Leanne Bourke (pictured above left) was inducted into the Can Too Hall of Fame (HoF) for raising more than $5k in her first program, the 2021 Barossa Marathon. Find out more including what inspired her to take on a marathon.
Which pod are you in?: Kirribilli
Age: 54
How did it feel to complete your Can Too goal at the Barossa Marathon Festival?
It felt amazing to have completed a marathon successfully and raise money for cancer research. It has given me confidence to achieve anything!
What led you on your journey to join Can Too?
My husband was diagnosed with a GIST Tumour in 2018 and is still battling it now with the help of a drug that the researchers have developed.
Why Can Too?
I wanted to raise money for cancer research and for years I had seen the “orange shirts” around Kirribilli and thought I would like to join them. I finally bit the bullet and it was honestly one of the best decisions I ever made !!
How do you feel Can Too’s program and coaching prepared you for your goal?
The coaching and training program was spot on. All of the advice from our beautiful Coach Simone was “gold” and helped me tremendously. From pacing to nutrition to believe that I could do it was incredibly important and I believe it got me to the start line and finish line in one piece with a time I could be very proud of.
What did you like about the coaching?
Running within a group, when I usually run by myself was a refreshing change and learning so much in the process.
Why do you love running?
Running is as much a mental as a physical pursuit. I enjoy pushing my body and mind and the older I get the more thankful I still can.
What’s your favourite Can Too moment?
Running with our Kirribilli Pod and everyone completing and cheering each other during and after the marathon
What’s most rewarding about fundraising?
Seeing the amount increase day by day.
How have you fundraised?
I reached out to family, friends and co-workers and was blown away by their generosity.
I’m listening to:
Inside Running Podcast
What I eat pre-race:
Crumpets with Honey
Talent I wish I had:
To be able to run faster and longer, I’m in awe of Elite Runners.
You can donate to Leanne's fundraising page here: https://www.cantoo.org.au/fundraisers/leannebourke/barossa-marathon-2021
Find out more about the Can Too Hall of Fame here

Can Too's Blackmores Half Marathon and 10km run programs are now open, but regos close soon. Find out more and register here