
Leave a legacy that transforms lives.


Between 17 March - 31 March, you have the opportunity to write your Will for free, with thanks to our partners at Safewill.

Protect your family and have a long-lasting impact on the health of other people while supporting critical cancer research.

Why leave a bequest in your Will?  

Leaving a bequest in your Will is a way of ensuring a lasting legacy that will positively impact the health of all Australians.

Bequests to the Can Too Foundation are used to transform lives through improving health and wellbeing in the community and supporting research into prevention, care and control of cancer. 

Types of Bequests

Residual Bequest

The remainder of the estate after specific gifts have been disbursed.

Percentage Bequest

The gift is a percentage of the estate, which allows for growth or depletion of the value of your estate.

Pecuniary Bequest

Refers to leaving a gift of a specific dollar amount. This does not allow for changes of circumstance or inflation

Specific Bequest

A gift of assets such as a real estate, shares, art, or other item of value.

How to leave a bequest in your Will.

A Will is an important document, as it gives you the opportunity to provide for your loved ones and the causes that are significant to you. 

Making an appointment with your solicitor can ensure the correct preparation and wording of your bequest is recorded in your Will. If you already have a Will in place and wish to make provisions for Can Too, a simple amendment or codicil can also be arranged through your solicitor.

Correct wording to include a bequest.

After the payment of all my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and all duties, taxes and charges payable on my Estate at my death, I (your name) give, free of all duties, to the Can Too Foundation (ABN: 53169310696) currently of 100 William Street, Woolloomooloo in the State of New South Wales:

  1. The residue of my estate, or
  2. ______ % of my estate, or
  3. The sum of $______ , or
  4. My property known as ________________ (e.g. real estate, art, shares, etc)

to be applied for general purposes by the Can Too Foundation as determined by its directors. I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of the Can Too Foundation will be a sufficient discharge to my executor(s) or trustee.

Please let us know of your bequest.

If you have included the Can Too Foundation in your Will or would like to learn more about leaving a gift in your will, please contact us at