About us

Challenge yourself. Challenge cancer.

We believe in the power of community and the potential to achieve the extraordinary.

Our mission is twofold: to inspire individuals to achieve personal health and wellbeing goals and to fund innovative early-career cancer research. By combining physical fitness with a cause that matters, we empower ordinary people to make a significant impact in the fight against cancer.

We've helped thousands of ‘ordinary’ people rise to the challenge, to push beyond their limits in our expert-guided fitness programs, and achieve the extraordinary. Their efforts have not only transformed their own lives but have also funded critical research projects that are breaking new ground in cancer prevention, treatment, and care.

in a snapshot
22,000+ participants coached

Since our founding, more than 22,000 individuals have taken part in our fitness programs, receiving expert coaching and support. These participants have challenged themselves and discovered their true potential, all while contributing to a vital cause.

$33 MILLION+ funds raised for early-career cancer research

Thanks to the dedication and generosity of our community, we have raised over $33 million to support early-career cancer researchers. These funds are driving innovative research that is making a real difference in the fight against cancer.

150+ research projects funded

Our efforts have funded over 150 groundbreaking research projects, providing essential support to early-career scientists. These projects are uncovering new ways to prevent, treat, and cure cancer, bringing hope and better outcomes to countless individuals and families.

Why early career cancer research?

Supporting early-career cancer researchers is crucial for driving innovation and progress in the fight against cancer.These talented Aussie scientists bring fresh perspectives and pioneering ideas that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. By funding their work, we ensure that the next generation of Aussie researchers have the resources they need to develop new treatments, improve patient outcomes, and ultimately find cures for various cancers.

Investing in early-career research is an investment in the future of cancer prevention, care, and management, offering hope and new possibilities for those affected by this disease.


What makes us unique?

Our approach is embodied by the 3 Cs: Coaching, Community, and Cause, which work together to create an unparalleled experience. Our professional coaching ensures you train safely and effectively, helping you achieve your fitness goals, supported by an incredible community that fosters camaraderie and motivation, making every milestone a shared celebration. All the while, your efforts support a meaningful cause by funding vital cancer research. Together, these elements create a powerful experience that enhances your personal journey and contributes to a greater good.

Our dual mission

Cancer Prevention


Participants Coached

To engage and inspire individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals. Professionally-coached programs promote healthy lifestyles – helping reduce the risk of one-third of cancers that are lifestyle-related.

Cancer research


Fundraised since 2005

To enable and assist fundraising to support innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer. Fundraising commitments foster a culture of philanthropy and mutual support where all our participants are passionate about giving back.


There’s more to the Toucan than meets the eye...

Aside from the playful twist on the word Toucan with CanToo, our mascot has a lot in common with our values.

Toucans are social creatures with a sense of community, and are associated with luck, joy, and happiness. 

Thanks to their determination and tenacity to overcome obstacles, Toucans are considered a source of strength and inspiration during difficult times.

Which makes the Toucan an ideal CanToo-er!

Challenge yourself. Challenge cancer.

CanToo is dedicated to creating a vibrant, supportive community where everyone can contribute to making the impossible possible. Whether you join a program, make a donation, or sponsor a participant, your involvement helps un-limit the potential, health, and wellbeing of people across Australia. Together, we can challenge cancer and achieve a healthier future for all.