Donate now for your future Can Too programs
The End of the Financial Year (EOFY) is fast approaching on 30 June. So it's an ideal time to reach out to your networks for a donation. If you’re not registered in a Can Too program you can save donations for future goals with our Future Goal Event Fund.
You don’t need to be currently registered in a Can Too program to take advantage of this EOFY opportunity.
The Fund enables Can Tooers to have a head start towards fundraising for their future Can Too program, so if you fancy starting training for the Queenstown Marathon or Glasshouse Mountains Trail in July, or if you’d like to dive into a Can Too learn to ocean swim program at the end of the year you can start fundraising now for your future goal.
The EOFY is an opportune time to ask for donations as Can Too is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR). This means that donors can claim tax deductions in their income tax returns, which is only applicable to DGR organisations. So the timing is a win for Can Too fundraisers and for donors to receive a tax break.
However, you can still join our Blackmores Half Marathon and 10Km Run programs and start fundraising at this opportune time.
For tips on how to reach out to your networks check out our fundraising resource.