Meet our newest Running Coach for the Blackmores Macarthur Pod - Mitch Dwyer
Mitch is a long time Can Too devotee who co-founded and was the Team Captain for the Can Too Campbelltown Ocean Swim Pod.
Trains Can Tooers at: Macarthur Pod
Coaching qualifications: Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science, Run Coach, Boxing Instructor & Personal Trainer.
Day job: Senior Personal Trainer and Team Leader at Aquafit.
Lives: Macarthur
Age: 26
Why do you love running?
For me running is a fun and adventurous exercise to be enjoyed with friends. It is a way to improve my health and fitness, whether I hit the road or the trails, I love the free feeling and always finish a run with a sense of accomplishment. Running provides me with a clear mind, a healthy heart.
Why do you love ocean swimming?
Ocean swimming has been a part of my life since participating in junior lifeguards summer camps in Hermosa Beach California, I discovered my passion for the ocean at a young age and have rekindled the passion of battling the surf, catching waves and cruising along the coast just recently through Can Too's Learn to Ocean Swim program.

Why Can Too?
Because more people need to experience the enjoyment and the accomplishment that results from completing a Can Too Program. Can Too offers a friendly supportive and inclusive environment, personal growth and development, healthy habits and improved fitness, plus much needed funding for Cancer research. There is a program for anyone and everyone whether you are stepping out of your comfort zone or coming back for more. Can Too has the program for you!
What led you on your Can Too journey?
I first learnt of Can Too when my parents began their Can Too ocean swim program in 2013. After being a supporter for a few years I knew it was time for me to get in the water and find out what it meant to be a Can Tooer. My first Can Too ocean swim program began in Nov 2017 with the San Souci Pod. After a successful program and event swims I was hooked. Along with my Dad I had the opportunity to bring the Campbelltown Pod to life in Memory of mum in 2019. Since then we have completed two ocean swim programs and I'm excited for a third with numbers growing year to year. Now I am lucky enough to be a part of the NEW Macarthur Pod for the Blackmores 10km Run program.
Favourite Can Too moment?
Every time we have a Can Tooer successfully complete their first ocean swim/ first event I count those as my favourite moments, the joy and achievement they radiate is contagious and fulfilling. Especially when I witness their journey for the 14 weeks leading up to the event.
What’s most rewarding about coaching?
Knowing that I have a very important part in improving someone's health and fitness, and that I am making lasting connections with likeminded individuals and groups.
Motivational quote: “If it doesn’t Challenge you, It doesn’t change you.” Complimentary of my first ever run client, Lauren.
I’m listening to: The Mind Muscle Project podcast.
Favourite book: All time favourite “The Alchemist,” by Paulo Coelho
My recommendation for those on a Can Too journey Is: Can too Founder Annie Crawford's book “The Annie Effect”. I read this before beginning my second program and found a greater understanding of Can Too and an appreciation of the work that has gone into funding researchers and continuing to work towards finding a cure for cancer.
Favourite documentary/film: Most Will Smith films.. Pursuit of Happiness, I am Legend and I Robot.
What I eat pre-race: Oats with banana and Honey.
Go to meal post-race: Lots of water and electrolytes and... I tend towards a big steak and chips or something Savory from the pub!
Perfect weekend: My perfect weekend would start with an activity such as Parkrun or a gym session. Afterwards some brunch at my local Leaf café, then I’d spend the rest of the day exploring somewhere new with my girlfriend and friends. Finishing off the weekend with Sunday spent by the beach relaxing and soaking up some sun.
Is there a coaching / exercise topic that you’d like to share your advice on?
Consistency is key! We are a product of what we do repeatedly. This can be applied to all aspects of life not just in training. Focus on your short-term goals and work towards them in someway everyday.

Can Too's Blackmores Half Marathon and 10km run programs are now open. Find out more and register here: www.cantoo.org.au/blackmores