Can Too Running Coach James Constantine.
The first thing to keep in mind when building up to a half marathon distance is to not do it too quickly, says Can Too coach James Constantine.
“Running a half marathon is a patience game. Success comes from consistent exercise across a number of weeks/months, not cramming the night before,” says James.
Ways to build distance:
- simply increase the distance of your running - no more than 10 per cent at a time (this could be one to two kms each week) or as advised by your coach
- increase the intensity or speed of your running (from an effort level of "6" to a "7")
- extend the number of interval repetitions (e.g. running 400m 5 times, to running 400m 6 times)
- decrease the recovery time between efforts (e.g taking a 2-minute break between 400m repeats, and over time, decrease to 90 seconds).
Variety is key
By completing a variety of different runs – easy, long, intervals, Fartlek (speed play) alternating between fast segments and slow jogs, hill repeats and tempo runs, your body will adapt to your new training load. And you will become fitter before you know it!
Your Can Too coach will explain what each type of run is and how they will benefit you on your half marathon journey.
The most important ingredients: a Can Too coach and your Can Too training partners, to support and encourage you along the way.
Whether you’re running for a time goal, to have a fun experience with friends or trying to run the whole way – a half marathon can be the perfect avenue to do all of these things. Enjoy and embrace all aspects of the experience. Make sure you treat yourself afterwards as well.
You CAN TOO become a half marathoner
Have you ever wanted to complete the goal of running a 10km, half marathon, a trail run or even a full marathon event?
Since 2005 we've been building a community of everyday people, supporting them with the skills, confidence and camaraderie they need to achieve what once felt like an impossible goal: to become a runner. And we do it all for a good cause, funding Australian cancer research so we can find better ways to treat and prevent cancer. Find out more.
Can Too's SMH and Noosa training programs begin soon. Find out more and register here: