Maddie Finnigan (pictured above left) was one of the 47 Can Tooers who took on the Hawke’s Bay International Marathon event, to reach a personal goal amid beautiful scenery and to raise money to fund Australian cancer research. At the finish line of her marathon run, she learnt what being part of Can Too really means.
“What an amazing experience to be part of the marathon Can Too group for Hawke’s Bay,” said Maddie.
“It’s summed up with the video (see below) of me crossing the line at the end of marathon. As I was the last Can Too person to do so, even though my fellow Can Tooers had to wait for me for hours they were all there, to celebrate me reaching my goal.
“When there was mention of me coming up the final pass, all the Can Tooers came together and created a tunnel for me to run through and that energy spurred me on to finish strong, even though I was in pain and wanted it to end.”
Maddie explained that when you train together for months with your Can Too group, you really become your own little family and learn to rely on each other.
“It’s weird not going to training now, not discussing any running tips/tricks or running issues or sharing big moments in our personal lives on messenger anymore.
“That’s what Can Too means to me, it’s mateship, teamwork, family and that regardless on how tired you are the realisation that you can do anything.”
The Can Too devotee who has just completed her third program with the Foundation credits Can Too Coach Matt Fryer, Team Captain Mandy Bussey and her physio and fellow participant Ian Gard, stating that none of this would have possible without them.
“Matt kept me sane and thinking positively and Mandy kept us all organised and spurring us on to reach our targets whether it be fundraising, a faster time or going the furthest we’d ever gone.
And even though Ian was training and competing himself, he always looked out for our marathon runners and gave advice, to help us reach our goals. So a big thank you to them.
“A reminder in my phone just popped up – Can Too training 6:30pm. As I cancel that reminder, I look back on that great experience with happiness and excitement ahead for the next chapter in my running career. Because if Matt and Mandy can get me to finish a full marathon – then anyone Can Too do it!”