What a start to 2017 with the SMH Half Marathon and Great Ocean Running Festival. Our incredible runners have raised over half a million dollars from these programs alone, which means as a community we have raised over $18 million!!!
This season Can Too brought together 29 local communities and corporate groups in Sydney and Melbourne to train for these two events concurrently. This year is our 12th season training for the SMH Half Marathon and our 5th season training for the Great Ocean Road Running Festival.
We are so grateful for the support of our community. Be proud – these are your achievements. Together we are making a difference.
Fighting Cancer Together
reduced cancer risk through
increased physical activity
participated in Can Too’s
workplace health programs
fundraised for
cancer research & prevention
Improving Overall Health
As part of our commitment to providing quality training programs, we seek feedback from all our participants.
reported an increase in
physical health
reported an increase in
mental health
Creating Community Locally
Our values are to inspire, motivate, support and empower. We’re a big community – but every local group has a dedicated support crew. We employ qualified and experienced coaches to educate and prepare our participants. Then we fill leadership positions such as Team Captains and Mentors with people who’re old hands when it comes to Can Too programs.
qualified coaches employed
volunteer leadership opportunities
With Thanks to Centurions – Our Pod Sponsors
A big thank you to our Pod Sponsors for providing financial support to fund training groups.
Emma Hogan: Northern Beaches Pod
Dick Smith Foods Foundation: North Pod