Annie Crawford AM, Founder of Can Too Foundation, recently joined the Don't Stop Us Now podcast to share CanToo’s inspiring origin story. From empowering everyday people achieve extraordinary physical challenges to raising over $33 million for early career cancer research and health promotion, from day one, Annie’s vision has been clear: promote health and well-being while raising vital funds for cancer research.
Nearly two decades later, CanToo remains true to this mission - helping over 22,000 people tackle extraordinary physical challenges while raising more than AUD$33 million for early-career cancer research and health promotion.
Annie’s story highlights how CanToo was built with values at its core, creating a community that uplifts participants and makes a difference in the fight against cancer. Health promotion and fundraising have always been at the heart of her vision, and they still drive everything we do at CanToo today.
We’re proud to continue driving Annie’s vision, thanks to the incredible support of our partners and community. Curious to learn more? Listen to Annie’s story in the podcast episode here.
Nearly two decades later, CanToo remains true to this mission - helping over 22,000 people tackle extraordinary physical challenges while raising more than AUD$33 million for early-career cancer research and health promotion.
Annie’s story highlights how CanToo was built with values at its core, creating a community that uplifts participants and makes a difference in the fight against cancer. Health promotion and fundraising have always been at the heart of her vision, and they still drive everything we do at CanToo today.
We’re proud to continue driving Annie’s vision, thanks to the incredible support of our partners and community. Curious to learn more? Listen to Annie’s story in the podcast episode here.