Can Too Ambassador Melinda Gainsford-Taylor is arguably Australia’s greatest female sprinter of all time, and one of the 17,000 people Can Too has trained since 2005.
Having lost her Mum to cancer in 2015, Melinda successfully completed her first marathon after training with Can Too in September of the same year.
Melinda says that joining a Can Too program was an opportunity for her to combine a fitness goal with finding a cure for cancer.
“As someone who was used to training for events that were over in seconds, the thought of running a 42km marathon was way out of my comfort zone,” she said.
“Thankfully, Can Too’s running programs are designed to help people of all fitness levels and abilities achieve their fitness goals, and after 20 weeks of Can Too training, I was able to realise my goal of running the Blackmores Sydney Marathon in memory of my dear mum, while raising much needed funds for cancer research. It’s by far one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done."
Find out more about her journey with Can Too with her letter to her younger self.
To help you get started for a Can Too running program, Melinda offers her top tips that helped her prepare for her transition into distance running:
#1. Prepare for Excuses
Hitting the snooze button in favour of stepping out onto a cold bedroom floor and scourging for clothes in the dark will always seem like the better option than a morning run at 5am, cautions Melinda. To keep those early morning excuses at bay, Melinda advises you prepare for your morning run the night before. “Make sure you lay your running clothes out so they’re easily accessible and ready to step into as soon as you get up,” she says. “You can also lay your keys, drink bottle, iPod, whatever you take on your run, by the door for a quick getaway,” she adds.
#2. Get Puffed for a Purpose
Training for a marathon, half marathon or even a 9km fun run can become tiresome at times and it’s likely that your motivation will fail you at some stage. “Knowing that you’re training for a bigger cause can give you the extra incentive when you really need it,” says Melinda. “Having lost my mum to cancer, I know all too well the devastating impact that it can have on an individual and their loved ones, and I find it so motivating to be running for a cause that will help stop cancer from taking more lives in the future,” she says. “When I don’t feel like running, or can’t be bothered to exercise, I remind myself of the greater good it’s doing and it makes all the difference,” she adds.
#3. Use the 10% Rule
“When you’re starting out make sure you don’t increase your running distance by any more than approx 10 per cent per week,” advises Melinda. For example, if you run 5km one week, wait until the following week to increase it to 5.5km. “New runners or those getting back in the swing of running are prone to injury, and going out too hard can cause a lot of damage,” warns Melinda. “If you’re training with a group like Can Too, the running coaches will know how hard you should be pushing yourself and will be able to prescribe distances that are suitable for your ability,” she adds.
#4. Keep Chatting
Believe it or not, according to Melinda, you should be able to hold a conversation and talk in complete sentences while you run. “One of the things I love about longer running is the social aspect, I’m used to sprinting and there’s no way you can have a good natter while doing that!” she says. “I have made so many new friends through Can Too and I really looked forward to the training sessions where we could all catch up and have a good chat while running,” she says. Melinda advises that this rule doesn’t apply for speed sessions or time trials where you should be running to 80 to 100% of your capacity, which means no time for talking!
#5. (Don't) Just Run
If you want to become a good runner, running is the only way you’ll get there, however runners who ONLY run are generally prone to injury so you should really mix it up if you can, advises Melinda. “Depending on how much time you can dedicate to training, you should definitely throw a couple of weight or cross training sessions in the mix,” she recommends. “Three running sessions a week is fine, however if you’re training four or more days a week, incorporating low impact disciplines like swimming, cycling and weights can help to increase your strength and fitness without all the impact,” she adds.
#6. Dress for Success
To avoid overheating, Melinda recommends dressing for runs as if it is 10 degrees warmer than the weather indicates. “In winter it is easy to over dress and you’ll always be quite cool to start off, but you’ll always warm up,” says Melinda. “Dress for how you will feel mid-run and make sure you always wear breathable fabrics that don’t cause irritation or extra sweat,” she adds. “And make sure to bring warm clothes to change into as soon as you’re finished!”
Get Professionally Coached Today!
We offer professionally coached training programs using qualified and experienced coaches. Can Too trains all levels, from beginners to more experienced athletes, in structured training programs tailored to specific physical challenges such as running races, ocean swims or adventure challenges and you can even choose your own event as a Can Too Beyond program.
Programs range from distances of 10km to half and full marathon run programs and 1km, 2.5km, 5km and 10km ocean swims, to adventure challenges.
What's your next Can Too challenge? Check out our training calendar of Can Too programs to secure your place today, including the 2021 Blackmores Sydney Running Festival.