
Runaway Half Marathon Program 2024

Only 2 sleeps to go

… until I run 21.1kms in honour of you and all of those who have lost their battle to cancer.

Even though the journey to get here has not been as smooth sailing as I’d hope with experiencing some serious pronation issues and big MF blisters. I feel ready and determined to do whatever it takes to cross that finish line and make you proud. 

You were a fighter until the end and an inspiration to us all. 

I miss you terribly, we all do but I know that you’ll be watching over me on Sunday just like you do every other day. Hope you have a Bacardi in hand when I cross that finish line. 

28 Sleeps

The countdown is on with only 28 sleeps until I run my first ever half marathon in honour of my hero, my Nan. Training with my Can Too crew has been such a great experience. I’m excited and nervous for the big event but feel somewhat ready for it thanks to my friends and family’s love and support. 

My Nan - My Reason

On the 20th June 2022, my hero and one of my biggest supporters grew her angel wings after a long journey fighting cancer. My Nan was kind, generous, determined, hopeful, caring, compassionate, strong and beautiful. Her battle was long as she never stopped fighting so that she could stay with us for as long as she possibly could, giving us so much more time with her and memories that my family and I will cherish forever. I am extremely proud to be her granddaughter and i am doing this for her.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Nigel Goldsmith

You’ve got this. Nan’s cheering you on


Lynette Campbell

You will smash this run , so very proud of you and thank you for getting behind something so close to our hearts Love you loads xxx


Emma And Troy Pons

We are so proud of you and can’t wait to cheer you on! Nan is watching you, now and everyday, in awe of the dedication and determination you are demonstrating. Love you x


Geraldine Hobson

Go Tori!


Toni Declase

You go girl your Nan would be so proud


Sheila Bollard

You are determined and strong and your Nan will be your biggest cheerleader. All the best you champ!


Karla Barreca

So proud of you!! Nan is cheering you on from above 🤍🤍


Llinos Kent

Good luck Tori. I know you will smash it.


Sue & Rocco

You go girl nan would luv this xxx



Doing it for Nan ❤️


Joshua Campbell

Love you, you’re going to do amazing ❤️


Tom Anthony


Maree Pryde

Good luck Tori


Freya Nelson

My second family 💛💛💛 Love you guys so much! Forever in awe of your strength 💛


Fiona J

For such a great cause




Sarah Barreca

You’re got this Tori, I know Nan is going to be beside you the whole time xx


Donarena Shahen

Go Tori!!


Beth O'connor

Great work, Tori!


Pina Budd

Go Tori, great work.


Penny C

Go T you absolute legend! Your Nan would be so proud 🙏 ❤️


Kimberly Morgan


Lucas Tabet


Nath Hollis

Superstar - she will be running with you on the day im sure 👌


Sharon W

Great work Tori Nan would be very proud


Louise Stafford

Well done Tori!!


Kelly Bowen

Good luck Tori. My own beautiful friend has just started her brave battle. F#^k cancer.


James And Erica

Good on you Tori and good luck! James and Erica xx


Morgan Crompton-smith


Jo Moore

So proud of you


Jade Kytic

Proud of you Tori!



Well done Tori!!


Karen Bransdon

Congratulations Tori amazing effort :)


Elle And Joseph Pons

Go Tori!!! You will smash it and proud of you for doing it for such a good cause


Viv & Mark



Good on you Tori! I'm sure you'll smash the run :) Ronny


Julie And Marcel Arendse

All the best and take care of those feet. Your grandmother would be very proud xo


Ashlee Cairns

So proud of you!


Alicia D

Go Tori, a great cause. You’re going to absolutely smash the run x



Well done Tori. Good luck!!


Emma Lewis

Such a worthy cause, you are incredible!!!


Fiona Rykers

You will smash this and your Nan will definitely be with you xx


Michael Breen


Rach Quinn

Proud of you! Can't wait to do this alongside you!


Nicole Calvert


Jade Scarfone


Nicole Walker