My Recent Sponsors
Bunnings Bake Sales
Unsw Bake Sale
Desiree Schlosser
Dear Steffi so proud of you for taking up this cause. Best Wishes.
Linnie And Team
Best wishes darling Stefu. Love you.
Steffi Dourado
Linnet Dias
Happy birthday drlg steff..jan n all of us are so proud n happy at what u are offering of yourself..this is called BEING HUMAN .. stay blessed.. may all your days ahead be happy and bright..luv u!!
Daniel Fernandes
No mullet,no skullet only scarlet until October.😊
Sam, Troy And Nero Can Too Family
This is amazing Steffi! Well done and so brave 🤣
Loretta Dias
U definitely CAN, Stef. All the best! God bless