Lisa Allen

2025 Autumn Ocean Swim

Half way there

I am half way there to my 1km ocean swim 
Loving the support from the coaches and managers 
Loving that I am doing this with my friend Kylie 
Loving meeting more friends in the group and hearing the reasons we are all here 
We are all nervous but giving it a go 

The feeling after a good session in the ocean is the best 

Learning to ocean swim

I have been talking about doing this forever . 
2025 is the year - New Year’s resolution 
Looking forward to learning the tricks 
Looking forward to keeping this up after the 6 week program 

I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation. 

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

So I asked myself, "what can I do to help?" That's where the Can Too Foundation came in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 22,000 participants and raised over $30,000,000 to invest in over 150 cancer research grants.

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me, or even better join me in a program!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to my Sponsors


Ro Macpherson

Outstanding effort Lisa - looking forward to swimming with you!


Stephanie Kiely

Proud of you Lisa!


Christine Greig

Go Lisa Go! Well done chook and a great achievement for a brilliant cause. Xxx


Angela Nicholson

Good luck Lisa !!!!


Al Handcock

Swim little fish, swim!!


Clare Reichard

You’re my hero! You can do it!


Aarun Puvanendiranathan

Let’s get it Lisa you animal!!



Love your work Lisa- Raising money for Cancer Research and enjoying the fitness journey at the same time! Congratulations on exceeding your goal!


Carla Paul


Emma Pellow

You will smash it Lisa and all for such a good cause! Em. x


Lisa Allen


Vanessa Cook

Wow, Lisa, what an athlete! X


Paola Brannan

Proud of you lovely Lisa xx


Alex Paya

Good luck Lisa, I know you can achieve this goal. You are amazing



Fantastic initiative!


Sarah Long

What an amazing achievement, you go girl xx


Mary Thomson

So proud of you Lis xxx


Joy Santos

Good luck Lisa


Julie Lewis

No1 you will smash this💯 You always give 💯 & I know you will give this challenge everything! Go Girl😘