
Summer Ocean Swim 1km 2024

My Activity Tracking


making progress

On the weekend, Saturday's swim was a cracker. The conditions were beautiful and we're getting stronger and confident. We swam beyond our goal distance, which felt great! 
Went down again on Sunday and the ocean was awash! A bigger swell and white-tips all across the Bondi bay. Steph and I practised swimming out through the breakers for 45 mins - exhausting but satisfying and so much fun.

Back in the pool in the new year.

Looking forward to more of this hard work and encouragement with this incredible bunch of motivated individuals, all as keen as me to raise some support for the cancer researchers. 

Weekend before Xmas swim!

Even after the year's training closed, a few of us super keen not to lose our form and courage, made a swim out to the buoys and back together. Solidarity!

Back in the Ocean!

Working hard (ok, it's fun)

As soon as I landed back in the country, I got straight back into the daily visits to the beach.

Keeping up the training, so I can earn your sponsorship, feel strong enough to get out past the breakers, and do what I can to raise this capital for the early cancer researchers who desperately need support to find new treatments.

Training training training - anywhere I am!

Even as I travelled for work, I kept up my training, so I can do this right, for the cause and for my ocean-courage. 

Here I am at an outdoor pool in the centre of London in early December. 

I'm committing to a fit future - and helping cancer research at the same time.

By supporting cancer research, I'm helping prevention for my children, family, friends - and me - with Can Too Foundation. 

We all know someone we care about whose life has been affected by cancer. I do. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

So I asked myself, "what can I do to help?" That's where the Can Too Foundation came in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 18,000 participants and raised over $25,000,000 to invest in over 200 one-year cancer research grants.

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me, or even better join me in a program!

This is a big birthday time for me. When I was 15, I qualified to be a surf life saver with my Bronze Medallion. 35 years later, I'm ready to renew some of that beach bravery in a new way - get me out into the ocean deeps with those salties! I need some help finding the courage and the literal strength in my arms too, so back me as I gain some mid-life muscle to tackle the next decade and face some new positive challenges!

Thank you for your support! Check in on this page for updates between now and February 2024 when I hit out beyond the Bondi breakers!


Thank you to my Sponsors




Antonietta Morgillo

Good luck lovely. May you conquer ocean swimming with ease and grace.


Cat And Cate

Go Karen!!!!


Megan K

Great goal! Well done Karem!


Sonia Whiteman

Amazing work Karen XX


Daniel Nettheim

You can do it!!


Lorraine Radzyner

Amazing effort so far! Good luck and keep swimming! Xx


Bec Brown

You will ace it!


Bonnie Fay

You got this Karen! Sure you will swim like a dolphin - full of joy & positive energy for this amazing cause ❤️


Nicholas Wrathall

Good luck Karen!


Michy B

This is so exciting!


Renny Wijeyamohan

Go Kazzaaaaaa!


Margot Nettheim

Go Karen !


Catharine Munro

Congrats Karen!


Clare Sawyer

Go Karen!


Honor Northam

Impressive-very brave!


Julietta Boscolo

The ocean is such a wild but beautiful place! I hope you cure your fear of it and this small donation helps aid the fight against cancer. Hope you have lots of fun swimming!


Karen Radzyner


Jo Sumner

Yay Karen! What a fantastic thing to do for soooo many reasons - enjoy and big hugs to you. xx


Charles Olsen


Noni Couell

Good luck K-rad!



go mum!!