JvC at Sea

Autumn Ocean Swim 1km Program 2024

This is my 3rd CanToo Program. And here is why.

"Well, this will be my first one!" 

...was my response to Coach Tim when he asked us to swim a lap in the pool on our first training day in October 2020. That's right, until then I never swam a lap in the pool. I never swam a meter in the pool. I simply didn't know how to swim. AT ALL. A mix of stupidity and enthusiasm made me believe that the best way to learn would be to throw myself into the deep end (lolll sea jokes) and hope for the best. 

14 weeks went by and to everyone's great surprise (especially me and Coach Tim) I was at the finish line of my first 1km ocean swim race.

How did I do this? Well, I had a secret superpower - my family, friends and the CanToo Crew - the most supportive community in my life. 

Now, I am a firm believer that if joint forces could teach a Russian girl how to swim in 14 weeks then we sure as hell can kick the scary C-word if we unite together. I am talking about cancer. 

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

And that's why I keep coming back - to unite, to fight fears and to do what's in my control: fundraise much-needed support for Australian cancer research and slap the ocean with big a smile on my face. 

If you want to join me - donate to my fundraiser, however big or small - everything counts. And I'll do the easy bit - swim kilometres slapping the ocean ;) 

Much love,

JvC at Sea


Thank you to my Sponsors


Shelley & Lloyd Prescott

The ocean is terrifying and you are a marvel for braving it. Onya m8!


Jeorge Bradford



So proud of you!!


Molly & Lincoln

Go Fifi!!


Em & Ed

Best of luck for the swim chick!!


James Chappell

Mwa! Go you good thing! Xx


Belinda Dean

Well done lady bird! So brave doing a big ocean swim. Can't wait to cheers you at the end! x


Verity Kizek

Amazing! Well done!


Shenol Kizek

Go Julia!!!


Grace Rouvary

You're amazing my love!





Georgie Quigley

I am honestly in awe of you, you brave ocean swimming woman! I could never - Strictly a land based Can Tooer! But you bet I will be cheering you on! x


Tamara Bajic

Yehaaaaa xx can’t wait to take part, good luck for the big swim.



If anyone can do it, it's my girl Julia! Best of luck with the swim, you got this xxx