
Summer Ocean Swim 1km 2024

I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation.Β 

Beyond my personal journey, I'm passionately committed to championing cancer research and prevention. The statistics are stark: 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will confront a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. It's a reality that demands action.

My own battles with Thyroid Cancer in April 2022 and Breast Cancer in November 2022 have deeply resonated with me. These experiences have illuminated the daunting prospect that many of us, perhaps even someone close to you, might face this formidable challenge. It's a call for change.

After my recovery and another significant operation in June 2023, a newfound drive pushed me to embrace the unknownβ€”quite literally, by diving into the "learn to ocean swim" program. They say growth lies in facing fears, so I took the plunge.

Joining the Can Too Ocean Swim Program marked a turning point. It's been a journey of stretching my limits, navigating both metaphorical and literal unsteady waters.

Since joining, I've immersed myself in the fast lane group, feeling like I was on the brink of drowning at times, transitioning from the familiar pool confines to the vastness of the ocean. Adapting hasn't been easy: There are no lane lines on the ocean floor, I've swallowed my fair share of saltwater due to unpredictable waves and encountered a memorable Jimble (jellyfish) that left me in excruciating pain. Despite these challenges, I triumphed in completing my first (small) ocean swim last week.

Yet, the journey persists. My aspirations involve the Big Swim in January and the Cole Classic in February. There's still much to grasp about ocean swimming, numerous hours of practice ahead, and a lingering fearβ€”especially after the Jimble incidentβ€”that I'm resolute on conquering before reaching my goal of finishing these two ocean swims.

My aim is to raise $1360 by February 2024 in support of this cause and to meet my ambitious target. Your support in helping me achieve this milestone means the world to me.

Thank you so much for considering and backing me in this remarkable journey!

With love and gratitude,


Thank you to my Sponsors


Stefanie Erndt

Liebe Heike, Vielen lieben Dank für Dein großes Herz und das Deiner Familie. Du und Deine Familie habt spontan Johanna bei Euch aufgenommen. Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Ich weiß, ihr habt es gerne gemacht. Trotzdem freue ich mich auf diesem Weg meine aufrichtige Dankbarkeit zeigen zu können. Ganz liebe Grüße und hoffentlich auf ein persönliches kennenlernen. Stefanie


Pip Moriarty

Heike, you’re such an inspiration & such a hardworking legend. Good luck with your swimming. I think you’re amazing x


Catherine Michaels

Hi Heike, you’re a legend! Goodluck with your swims, a fantastic cause.


R, J, L & L

You’re an inspiration to so many of us Heike. Incredible strength, humility and positivity. A fantastic cause to not only raise awareness but further research so others don’t have to experience what you did… x


The Du Rieu’s

What an inspirational, strong woman you are and such a super mum too! Go Heike xoxo



You truly are a superstar. Well done


Michelle Peters

You're truly an inspiration to me, as are your children. Xx


Heike Dicke


F Th



Christiane Hardt

Meine liebe Heike, du bist so eine starke und bewundernswerte Frau!!! Ich drücke dir für dein Vorhaben ganz doll die Daumen 😘 Deine Christiane



Nur noch 48 Tage bis zu unserem Ersten Ocean Swim! Danke, dass Du mich zu dieser verrückten Idee überredet hast πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜


Rosalind Foster

Go Heike! Love from Ros, Ed, Tom and Otto Xxx


Louise Savage

Go Heike!! You will be amazing!!