We are fundraising for cancer research with Can Too and the Heather Hawkins Huma Everest Challenge
Can Too Foundation's Ambassador Heather Hawkins and Huma Charity Challenge have joined forces to create a unique opportunity to embark on a once in a lifetime challenge. This event will push the personal boundaries of those participating as they spend 21 days trekking up to 8-10 hours+ a day through the Everest region while raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer through Cure Cancer Australia and Cancer Council NSW.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Emma Hogan

Annie Crawford
Very excited and feeling fortunate

Thomas Crawford

what a great cause and the trip of a lifetime


Victoria Kvisle
Proceeds from the James Bond Spectra Cinema night at the Cremorne Orpheum on Monday November 23rd

Getting into the spirit

Can Too Movie Night
Thanks for all the hard work. Swim well.

Katherine Norman

Helena Gawlinska
Amazing achievement

Gail Davies

Zoe Taylor

Malcom Webb


Gill, Enjoy the day , go hard , congrats Can Too is such a great cause

Shearman Family Supporter/sponsor
This run's for Peter Charody


Lorraine And Carl
Such a great achievement Gill well done you :)

Harrington Mcnamara
Good Luck Hannah. All the best with the fundraising and training. Craig, Stephen & all at HM.

Harrington Mcnamara
Good Luck Susie. Good luck with the fundraising and training, enjoy the trek. Craig, Stephen & all at HM.

Christine Norman

Caro Kearney
What an achievement!! Congratulations and lots of love from Caro

Marci And Michael Cohen
So proud of you and all that you do to make this world a better place

Jma Engineering
Best of luck on your walk Gail.

Malcom Webb

Susan Webb
Raffles and 100 club

Nick Kostos
Good Luck on the challenge!


Andrea Tustin

Colin Isaac

Stephen Mcnamara
Hi Suzie, congratulations to you and Hannah for taking on the big challenge. All the bets for the adventure and the fund raising, cheers Stephen

Michael And Haley
Hey Kerrin - great cause - enjoy the adventure!!

Utopian Ideas Pty Ltd
congrats mum!

David Palmer
Hi KB, Great work. Cheers DP

Wayne Marriott
Incredible expedition Zoe. Must have been so difficult, yet fulfilling. Well done!

Tooraweenah Lions Club

Kerrin Bleicher

Financial Reporting Specialists Frs
All the best Andrea. From the FRS team www.frs.com.au

Susan Webb
Thanks for all the help at Armidale and UNE Sport.

Annie Crawford
Go Hannah Go!! Love Annie C

Annie Crawford
Go Susie Go!!!! Love Annie C

Michelle Andrieux
Annie, you and the Nepal crew are truly an inspiration. What an amazing effort. I just heard yesterday that a former work colleague died from cancer. I saw her only a couple of months ago and she was n remission, another is fighting breast cancer. I hate this disease and love what Can Too does to fight it. Go hard!

Diana Carlton

Kathryn Mitchell
Go Jen:) One foot after the other. With you in spirit x

What an awesome achievement! You’re a true inspiration

Monroe-florin Family
Congratulations and thank you for all that you do to support cancer research.

The first donation was for the gorgeous stay at Fairy Bower - this is to say WELL DONE for an awesome trek and posting amazing snaps and showing me a country I sadly won't probably see.xoxox

Juliet And Ben
Congratulations on this absolutely awesome achievement Annie and the whole Can Too team!

Di Falloon
You're an inspiration! Go Gill! X

Amanda Tobias
An epic undertaking for an exceptional cause.

Helen Shearman
Gill has donated her birthday money to her cause. Happy birthday.

Jill B
Great effort for a great cause. Wishing you and your team al the best.

Annie Crawford
Can't wait to hike with you Keri. Bring it on. Thanks for the support

Good cause! Glad to support.


Helen Shearman
Gill and the girls happy climbing and please remember Christie on your climb.

Jess Swords

Inspiring and raising money for such a great cause. All the best and post lots of photos!

Ben & Sarah
Congratulations Mum! Very proud of you!

An amazing achievement Annie and crew!

Maddi And Erol
Hi Anne, Congratulations. You really deserve the shower and hair wash. I bet they felt great. As does your achievement. Absolutely amazing.

Suz Norman
Go for Gold!

Annie Crawford
Can't wait to hike with you Gill. Bring it on!!!

Annie Crawford
Cant wait to hike with you Zoe Thanks for supporting Can Too!!

Hannah Webb

Kate And Jane
Goodluck Susie and Webby!!

On the tough days, remember you are supporting a great cause. Go for it!

A heartfelt thanks to you, Annie and the team for the Carin for Anna.

Good onya mate, huge effort, great cause. Lots of love, Shell & Rossy

Good luck Susi and Hannah. Travel safely. Love M&M x

Loz Maz
Go for it.

Evan D
Go Chicko you lil legend! Very proud of our amazing Mum! xx

Margie, Georgie And Sandy Pye
Good luck, Don't throw out those pebbles until you get to Base Camp!

Margie, Georgie And Sandy Pye
Good luck Han, be strong you may have to carry mum or vice versa! X

Bravo you !!

Best of luck for a smooth and inspiring journey yeh !!!

Hannah Webb


Thrilled you are going on a great adventure! Keep safe, enjoy and well done. xxx

Gayle Mason
Awesome achievement Gill. many many congratulations.xx

Katherine Doric
Go Jen! Good luck and safe journey.

Kim Quach
Great work again Andrea. Best of luck with the event.

Southend Imries

Karen Mooney

Janet Ruskin Rowe
Good luck Susie and Hannah

Best of luck and enjoy!

David Clarke
Good luck Andrea! An amazing challenge for an extraordinary cause.

You are undertaking a wonderful adventure for a great cause. Sooo proud of you. T

Jo And Rat
Amazing achievement Annie. Well done! xxx

John Bresolin
Good luck Andrea. A great cause, hope you enjoy it and come back safely.

Sue Fisher
What an amazing challenge/adventure, Andrea! Best wishes... and have fun!

Libby Lambell

Deni Schutt
Wow .... big congrats xx

Kris Charody
Such a wonderful achievement!! well done!

Susan Webb

Fran Beck
Congratulations Zoe. I’m in awe

A great effort and a very important cause , effects everyone . Well done and all the bets for the Trek

Roger Mcdonald
Best wishes Andrea, hope you reach your goal. A very worthy cause.

Anne Hull
Susie, what an amazing achievement on reaching Everest Base Camp. I hope your feeling not too drained physically and emotionally . Enjoy Singapore . Much love Anne xx

Bj White
Go Jen ! What an amazing challenge and adventure.

Norm Sparks

Amazing effort from you all - well done Susie and Hannah - safe travels home love Ginny & David

Claire Williams
Oh Zoe, I have mega enjoyed your journey. A massive congratulations to you for completing and that shower would have felt soooo good!!! Big hug

Juel Briggs

Bob Coulthurst
Amazing and inspiring Annie!!!

G Brown
Go Wendy! Love your work :)

Jocelyn Savill
Good luck Keri

Ruth Lax
wish I could be there to share the adventure

Kathleen Sargent
Gill you are an inspiration! I am sure you are going to soar at Everest! xx

Lorna Ailes
Good luck my wonder Sister, both with the adventure and with raising lots of money for Cantoo. x

Alex Williams & Family
Wow Annie, what an adventure you must be having! Stay safe and a massive Congratulations on this personal achievement and for all of the money your team has raised.

Rachel Foley-lewis
Safe and successful travels Zoe. I hope it is all you wish it to be. Fabulous efforts for a fabulous cause. R xx

What a great way to raise money Zoe. I hope you have a safe trip and look forward to seeing some pics. Happy eventing!! xxx

Janice G.
You are intrepid Zoe! Best of luck for a great cause. X

Terry & Kate Mott

Good luck Susie and Han. Enjoy your walk.

Annabel Hall
Inspirational Zoe

Michael Kyriagis
Great work Zoe - enjoy Nepal and spread the love!! Mx

Cooch And Wendy
What an experience for a great cause. Very jealous.

Just keep trekking one step at a time!

Mike & Caro
You go girl......Peter too!!

Azmina Clarke

Dani Lombard
So proud of you guys! Inspiring stuff!!

Sue Burton
Good luck... :)

Happy birthday Han!!

Eddie & Carol
Good Luck Keri, a great cause and an exciting adventure. xx

best wishes take your woolies

Suzan Burton

Judith And Aunty Mary
Good luck Keri on your trek.

Merry Christmas, Gill! xo

Guy Cotter
Good luck

Bill Macdonald

Elisabeth White

Stephen Moir & Moir Group
Great cause, best of luck!

Well done, Andrea. A great challenge for a great cause. Have a fabulous time and good luck.

Sheree Spora

Mike Norman
Best of Luck. Photos so far are amazing.

Andrea Tustin

Robyn Carrier

Stay safe and have a great trip! -From the guy at Kathmandu

Caroline Bryksy

Lizzie Mcclymont
Hannah and Susie what an amazing thing to be doing for such a great cause! Good luck and have fun! P.S. during my quick google search of Nepal just now I found the phrase "Another round please" translates the same in Nepali as it does in English.


Emma Collett
Thanks for starting Can Too Annie. You inspire me. x

Mark Chatters

Leanne L
Amazing effort Kerrin!

Donovan Hackett

Anthea And Matt Foldi

Brent & Karen
Go Gail! Amazing thing to be doing!

Trudi Mitchell
Well done Annie this is an incredible achievement. Best wishes Trudi

Good Luck, sounds like a great trip

Helen And Phil
Good luck with your thoughful participation in the fund raising.

Paula O'connell
Great trek and great cause - all the best Andrea!

Pauline T
Best of luck. xx

Happy Mother's Day

Isolde Weaver

Em Hogan
Good luck! What an amazing effort. Go Can Too!

Mirek Craney

Dani And Michael
Looking forward to more brilliant photographs and fabulous stories from your travels. Go girl ! Xx

Annie Pattinson
Go Girl!! xx

Anna And Stephen Talbot
Congratulations Gill, outstanding!! Well done.

Tess Abram
Thank you for such inspiring and beautiful images of your amazing adventure xx

Baroness Middleton
Amazing event ... warmest wishes for what will be an incredible experience! Enjoy the challenge!!! CM

Kris Charody
Well done Hannah... what a challenge you met for a great cause

Michael Harding

You'll have a great time Andrea. Fantastic challenge you are doing for a great cause. Best of luck and enjoy!!

Marie Kelly-davies
Congratulations Annie. What an awesome achievement!

Toni And Barry Malone
Great effort you two!!!

Kerry Elphick

Jill Bowman

Great cause - good luck!!

Rodger Mitchell
All the best Andrea. I’m sure you will have an amazing time. Looking forward to hearing all about it xxx

Jess Duffy
Go conquer the mountain!!

Go Andrea, what a journey!!

Jane Maughan

Maribel Noronha Da Gama
Good luck Andrea! This is the third donation I am doing this month on different activities and all for cancer. Yep, we need to change that statistic :)

Sean And Carolyn
You are amazing! Wishing you a wonderful experience! I have no doubt that you will be wonderful xx

Katrina Rookyard
Great achievement Susie and Hannah xxx

Colin Downes

Good Luck on your Gokyo trek quest

Elliot Rien

Helen Adams
Well Done Andrea,have a fabulous trek!Go Can Too!!x

Paul Clancy

Arturo Baz

Ann Morrison
You go girl! Stay safe, have fun and enjoy the adventure!

Carolyn Cochrane
Amazing! loving watching your journey on facebook. Great cause and what an amazing experience.

Ian & Gayle
You are an inspiration to us !!!

Karen And Ian
Good luck Andrea, you are amazing!!

Best wishes for an amazing experience. Stay safe - I'll be thinking of you and spurring you on!

Steve & Debby A

Congratulations Annie & team. Good to see you on the trail.

Gaz & Em
You can do it!

P & S Lambell

What an achievement

Alise Boehme
Goodluck Webby! All the best :)

Tom Alexander

Terry & Rob Hanigan

Amazing effort Zoe!

Frances Rowley
Go Girls

Frances Rowley
Go Han

Jane Connor
Have a wonderful time! Enjoy yourself and come home safe and well xxx

Good luck Chicken!????

Louise Holden
Go Chick - show them what you are made of!!!!!

Georgie Anderson
Go webby, I think this is such a wonderful thing you are doing! Xx

Daniel Cameron
Go Mum!

Michael Frost
Well done Kerrin!

Hi Andrea, good luck with the awesome challenge, it will be amazing.

Roger Horton
We think you earned everything that you have raised … that was a tough gig !

Anne Massey

You will have an amazing experience....and all for a great cause. Best of luck!!!

Wonderful Andrea, Nothing but absolute respect and admiration for the bravery this must have taken. Vincit qui se vincit !

The Fairhursts
Good onya - go Gail!

Tommy Buckingham
So proud of you! Well done Mum!

Rajeev Bhatnagar

The Okas
Good luck Chicken


Debra Shirley

Helen Shearman
Have a good swim, Gill....Helen

Angela O'brien

Susan Lloyd
Go Susie

Sangeeta Kumar
Wish you good luck for the cause and for scaling the mountain tops Andrea. Hope you enjoy every moment!!!

Wishing you both happy travels.

Scott Mclean
So happy to support you Andrea!

Mike And Caro
This should be a fantastic adventure. You are very brave and adventurous. We admire your very much for that. GO!!

Gillian Marcoolyn
GO GIRL!! I hope there is a special pocket in your back pack for chocolate otherwise I don't know what mess you will get yourself into!

Gj & Sg Taylor

Geoff Webb
Have a great trip Susie and Hannah.

Have a great adventure for a great cause.

Good luck Hannah and your mum!!! Great reason to fund raise and a brilliant challenge. Xxxx keep us all updated on the training.

Andy Wettenhall
Bloody top job Han!

Chris Andrews
Good luck!

Mark From Split Rock Summit
Enjoy the Himilyan views and cultura? experience! Hopefully your Warrambungles training sets you up well :-)

Mark From Split Rock Summit
Go Susan :-) I hope your Split Rock training skills your mind and body for your Everest Base Camp walking challenge.

Alice Clark
Better late than never.. Go Webjet!

Holly Rennie

Awesome work Andrea, have fun and enjoy the adventure!!!

Tim Morris
Great stuff Andrea - enjoy!

Gina Teague
Thanks for the 2 cups, Gill!

Anthea And Matt Foldi
Congratulations Hannah!!! Matt and Anthea Foldi

Alice Lodge
Congratulations Hannah! Such an amazing journey for you to do with your mum xx

Eve Elliott-smith
Well Dine Hannah and Suzie! What an achievement and what a great cause!

Deb Paul

Fabulous effort Chicken! Reading the "Annie Effect" was inspirational, happy to contribute.

Scott Mclean
You & your family are an inspiration!

Anthea And Matt Foldi
Congratulations Susie!! Thinking of you and your tremendous efforts! Well done.

Thea Johnstone
Hi Chick, very proud of you for this trip. Can't wait to hear all about it. Will be thinking of you. Teezie x

Eric Lee
Fantastic work again Andrea. Best of luck with the event.

Oliver Webb
Well done on the funds raised Han! Have fun getting high in Nepal

Jess Leahy
Go Chicken! An amazing effort, will be cheering for you. Jess x

Catherine Kell

Kath Jackson
Great effort for a super great cause! Xx

Enjoy all the unique experiences, Zoe

Good luck Han

You're a legend Andrea!

Allison Schofield
Fabulous effort Annie & team!

Way to go girls! Wishing you the best of luck and can't wait to hear a few stories. Such a great cause xx

Elise F

Christopher Mcgrath

Georgia Mcglennon
Amazing work Han xx

Well done Han and Susie! Have the most incredible time xx

Michelle Wirkus

Fiona Ruckert
best wishes for the climb - what an experience!

Issy D
Best of luck Webby and Susie, such a great cause xx

Sammy White
Go Han you legend!! X

Ali Constantinou
Awesome effort Zoe, a huge physical test, so impressive!

Wish I had the guts to join you Andrea. Looking forward to attending all of your fundraising events too

Alice Scott

Sarina Duddy

Maddy Kennedy
Well done Webby. You are amazing. Keep up the good work xx

Hilary Thomson
Go Webby!!! Good luck!

Rosemary Rogg

Keep on breathing!!!!!

Steve A
Rather you than me

Shannon Hurley
Good luck Webby! You'll smash it! x


Elite4fitness Gym

Alice Turner

Aimee Moss

Lyndall Calcraft
coffee cups!

Gaby Middlebrook!
Wooo go Webby! push through!!

Best of luck with your trek, Andrea!

Alice Cudmore
So exciting Webby!!

Will - Bdo
All the best Andrea! Hope this is not too late!!


Frances Rowley
Go Girl

Andrew Perry
Our Team Members

Gill Shearman raising funds for Cancer Research

Ngareta Linehan

Annie Crawford

Zoe Taylor

Susan Webb

Hannah Webb

Kerrin Bleicher

Gail Davies


Congrats on getting what was once a little idea to a whopping $20 million - I hope this is the donation that gets it over the line xx