Felicity Leslie

2025 Summer Ocean Swim 2km

My Activity Tracking


Why I want to support CanToo

CanToo seek to support early career cancer researchers. 
This cause is important to me for two main reasons. 
I have experienced the grief of  losing a parent to cancer and seeing just how far research has brought us in the last 40 years (almost).
I am also committed to the need for early career researchers to be specifically supported. I am a grant funded Project Manager in medical research (cardiovascular disease rather than cancer) and for almost 20 years, I have watched the pain of researchers spending an inordinate number of hours writing their grant applications knowing there's a 10% success rate, and then fail time and time again to be successful in their applications - and never because they're not incredible at what they do. There's just not enough government money for the work that needs to be done. I've watched them cry and watched them make their staff redundant as they don't have the grants to fund their labs. I've also had the privilege to watch them be successful and undertake research that changes lives and our society for the better. 

So far CanToo have raised $33million to support this group of researchers. I'm excited to be part of this work now. I'd love you to join me in this effort. 

I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation. 

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

So I asked myself, "what can I do to help?" That's where the Can Too Foundation came in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 22,000 participants and raised over $30,000,000 to invest in over 150 cancer research grants.

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me, or even better join me in a program!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to my Sponsors




Felicity Leslie



Great work for a great cause! Just keep swimming. X


Jocelyn Loane

Very impressed by your gumption as always! xx


Kerrie Pierce

You go girl! From one grant-funded swim girl to another....although heated pools are more my style.....


Robyn Bain

Go Felicity - great stuff!!