Colleen Featherstone

2025 Summer Ocean Swim 1km

My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

Please Sponsor Me on my New Fundraising Page

As I've reached my fundraising target for this year, I've been able to set up a 'Future Goal Event Fund' which will go towards my fundraising for next summer when I do the Cantoo program again.
Please sponsor me on the "Future Goal Event Fund" page and not on this one.
The money goes to the same charity, but will mean I have less fundraising to do next year!
Many thanks 

My Cantoo Pod

What an amazing bunch of people my Cantoo pod are - they're all amazing swimmers and I've learnt so much form them. Always positive and helpful, chatty and a lot of fun! Thanks guys!

Swim Target

Very happy to say I've cracked my swim target of 50K for the season....I'll see how many more I can add on to it now.
(My Cantoo season is from 1st October to 5th February)
Not always been easy, but it's got to have done me the world of good!

First Ocean Challenge

Very proud to say I completed my first official ocean challenge on 5th January. I did the Newport 800m swim. I was very nervous and a bit flustered by all the people and very choppy waves. Can't say I ever actually 'hit my stride' with the swimming - it was more of a 'thrash and breathe'...but I did it! I was absolutely shattered, but I finished. A HUGE thank you to Sue Tompkins who swam (leisurely) next to me, guiding me and encouraging me (she went on to win her age group in the Newport 2km swim...didn't realise I was being mentored by such an elite swimmer!!) 
Anyway, I did it., in just over 19 mins (last in my age group, but not last overall - just means I have plenty to aim for!) onto the Palm Beach 1K later this month!

Fundraising achieved!! Thank you all!!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who had sponsored me on my swimming challenge. I'm thrilled to say I have reached my fundraising goal!!!!
This of course means I will be swimming even harder to honour your donations and the difference that they can make to cancer research.
If you haven't sponsored me yet and would like to, I will be completing a second round of Cantoo fundraising next year....when I'm going to push myself even further and aim to join the 2km swim group (currently this is WAY out of my grasp!!) So hold off your donations, as I'll be asking again in October 2025!

Once again, a big thank you to everyone. I'll keep this blog updated about my 'goal swims' in January.

I also set a target of 50km swimming in this season...currently I've done 37km!! (that's a long way!) so still need a push to complete the final 13km in January...piece of cake!!

I'm officially an ocean swimmer!

So proud of myself today and feel I can officially accept the  title of 'ocean swimmer!' Did my biggest swim yet...without flippers. Went with a fabulous group of ladies from Mona Vale beach, round the pool, across to the 'cliff' and then back around the pool, to the beach and through the flags...about 1.6km!
I feel amazing and definitely more confident now. Will still be training hard for the offical Sydney Ocean swims, starting next week...there'll be more pictures of those to come!

New hairdo - raising money!

My wonderful hairdresser, Wendy at Hairworks, North Epping has donated the cost of my new hairdo to my Cantoo swimming - How wonderful is she. Thank you so much Wendy, just the pick-up I needed after a very tough swim (for me - I've never been in such big waves!) at Mona Vale this morning.

The challenge begins!

So this was the first official week of my Cantoo challenge.
Training at the pool as a pod and then our first official dip in the ocean. Lots of practice going in over/under the surf, swimming around and then back out again. Quite choppy (for me) and tiring, but felt amazing to have done it - and a wonderful group of people. Loving this.
Please sponsor me - raising funds for cancer research is so important to me...thinking of my wonderful Mum every time I go out on the water. ?

Getting there!

I've been training hard to get ready for the Cantoo program starting in November and I'm overwhelmed by the generous donations family, friends and colleagues have made to this very worthy cause - I'll keep swimming hard to ensure you get bang for your buck!

Today was a victory for me - My 3rd ever ocean swim and I managed to do it without flippers (not especially gracefully or streamlined swimming, but I did it!) I swam from Shelly Beach round to Manly and back (did about 1km) and I'm very proud of myself!

I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation. 

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

So I asked myself, "what can I do to help?" That's where the Can Too Foundation came in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 22,000 participants and raised over $30,000,000 to invest in over 150 cancer research grants.

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me, or even better join me in a program!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to my Sponsors



You got this! Xxx


Janelle Ingham

Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming! 🐟🐠


Sharon Gubby

You’ve got this chick! Xxxx


Julie Taylor

Go girl, my brilliant sister 🥰


Hairworks, North Epping

My amazing hairdresser, Wendy form Hairworks in North Epping has donated the cost of my hairdo! What an amazing woman - thank you so much, Colleen x


Emma Rollason

Go Colleen! Such a worthy cause.



Be the fish! (Go Coll, go!) xx



(Part 2 to sort currency exchange :)


Sue Turnill

Go Coll! Xx


Marc Ashworth

Keep up the great work Coll - what an amazing challenge and fabulous charity to raise money and awareness for. Marc, Karen, Holly and Sam xx


Emma Q

Go Colleen. Love your ocean work 🌊🐬


Shane C

Proud of you Colleen!


Barry Featherstone

Go Coll 👍🙂


Colleen Featherstoe


Karen Michie

I think you are a legend. Xxxx


Danielle Crisafulli

A very worthy cause to support. Well done, Coll x


Carlie Gilbertson

Such a worthwhile cause! Go Colleen!



Inspirational Colleen!


Marianne Semaan


Naomi Zann

Just keep on swimming! Great cause beautiful girl!


Rebecca Wilson

Great work Colleen!!


Sarah W

Great cause. You got this!!


Annie Sandy

Good job mum!!❤️❤️


Jo Mcculloch

Go Colleen!


Jackie Eyre

Go Coll!!! Xxx


Takako Otake



Inspiring! Thank you Colleen.