Barbara Curtis

Runaway Half Marathon Program 2024

Sat 1 June - 15km goal event - did it!

Ring the bells - did it!! 15km done and dusted with my wonderful pod friends running with me for support and coach Matt dropping in to cheer us on and give advice. All before the heavy rain started. Felt a little nervous initially and at around 11km my leg injury started playing up but all in all felt great. On reflection, what  I’ve learned on this 4 month journey:
- consistency consistency consistency and time on feet makes every difference 
- I don’t need podcasts and music for running - running and walking time is peaceful thinking and processing time
- early to bed works well for me and early morning exercise makes the day feel very productive 
- that my pod mates and coaches have fascinating back stories and big hearts. 

CanToo, I am immensely grateful for this opportunity, for my coaches, pod mates and sponsors, and looking forward to continuing my running journey.

Sat 25 May - 13km

Have registered for City to Surf in August. Must be getting into the running thing. Still focussing on consistency and trying to get out as much as I can, even if its just for a walk. So following coach Matt's program:
- I got to 13km on Sunday. A bit slow towards the end and fuelled by Gatorade and Kit Kat from a soccer canteen but happy to have done it. Have come a long way since the start of the program. 
- No more track training so just 5km during the week
- Park run and ocean path run to make 10km on Saturday with my pod buddies.

Sat 18 May - Mighty Souths are Legends

A great week this week - thrilled to cheer on my pod in their half marathon on Sunday. Love the Can Too energy and spirit and they smashed it. Have decided to postpone my goal event to end of May so I can train for 15km instead of 10km, as already ran 10km and want to challenge myself on the longer distance. Ran 10km before work on Monday and 6km on Thursday. Not really focussing on speed at the moment, but distance. 

Sat 11 May - Hills and rain

Starting to conquer some of the local hills a bit more easily, although they can be a bit of a punish. After a long day of work it feels good to have an excuse to get out for a run even if its v dark and raining. Need to do more strength and stretching. Loved the walk to the ocean again this time a 10km route on a raining Friday night - very invigorating!

Sat 4 May - A big week for long walks

Over 27km done this week and happy with my paces. 15km walk to the ocean on a gorgeous autumn afternoon, checking where I needed water and carbs (dried dates seem to work well) and how my leg injury would go with the longer distance. Ran during the week and then 9km with the pod on Saturday on our usual track. Not getting to all the track sessions midweek but trying to make sure am otherwise sticking to the program (working on that consistency again)

Sat 27 April - Picking up speed again

Much more running this week back in Sydney. X2 5km, and a 7km so feeling like I am getting back on track. Liking the cooler weather. Trialling various running playlists - somehow stuck in the 1980s :)

Sat 20 April - Tumut & Melbourne

On a road trip to Melbourne, very happy start to the running week with my dear friends Alana and Chris - Can Too's first marriage and baby all those years ago. Still recovering from last week's flu, managed:
- a 5km jog in the autumnal mist and colour by the river in Tumut, then joined the very friendly local running community for breakfast. 
- a couple of 5km in Melbourne and many km of walking, with pace still getting more efficient

Sat 13 April - Taking a foot off the pedal

So it turns out that am not immune from flu season after all and had to have a bit of slower week, prompted by coaches focussed on recovery. What I learnt:
- sleep is a good thing
- my walking pace is speeding up - did 9.3km with the pod around Botany Bay today at around 10min/km
- my first runners nail loss did not hurt

Sat 6 April - 10.5km

Huge storms Fri night mean training cancelled due to dangerous driving conditions. Later in the day, do a steady 10.5km at Cronulla. What I learned today:
- my pace is picking up
- melted chocolate is a good sugar hit
- Cronulla’s #1 sport is surfing followed closely at #2 by watching surfing - lots of people out to see the big sea
- running with the start of flu ? makes me shaky - might just rest more this week

Sat 30 March - first 10km

Ok so today was my first 10km in over 2 years. Solo run on Lady Carrington Drive. Very happy! It has been a long and bumpy journey to get here but fuelled by 3 mini eggs I did it - very hot though. Have been listening to my coaches: more sleep, more carbs, dynamic warm up and cool down to avoid injury. What I learned today:
- I need to drink more water 
- it takes about 5 mins for a sugar hit mid run to work
- smaller strides uphill work
- the hills are not looking so daunting
- my broken toe is taking a long time to heal
- lyre birds are incredibly noisy.
Beautiful running in the park. Feeling lucky ? 

Dedicating my run

I will get up at 5am on Weds mornings to run in the cold and dark so you don’t have to! I’m dedicating my run program to cancer survivors the Cholangio Queen, Karen O’Hagan Humphries, and to Patrick, both of whom have amazing energy and spirit. Also to the memory of family friend Christine Thomas, for her kindness and good heart, taken too soon with kidney cancer. I run with them all at my shoulder. 

I’m aiming for a 15km run in May as a goal event, to raise funds for early career cancer research, and cancer prevention & health promotion through fitness programs. Science increasingly shows the importance of activity to lowering cancer risk, and I know that a run or swim program is great for my mental and physical health. 

So after two years of a leg injury I am finally back to running 10km and feeling much healthier and stronger. I’ve reached 10km earlier than expected so will aim for further on my goal event. More on that to come! In the meantime I’d love you to support me: any donation, big or small, is hugely appreciated. ?

I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation, and reducing my risk of cancer

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. I had (successful) treatment for skin cancer last year and it was painful and awful but nothing like what many cancer patients have to endure.

That's where the Can Too Foundation comes in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 21,000 participants and raised over $33,000,000 to invest in over 200 one-year cancer research grants, and health promotion.

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me, or even better join me in a program!

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to my Sponsors




Annie Crawford

Well done Barb!!!


Barbara Curtis


Barbara Curtis


Janene Hamilton


Kelly Bloore

Go Barb, you are a true inspiration. So proud to be able to run by your side.


Frances Gerlan

Awesome Barb, you got this but most of all have fun and enjoy your run!! Love the Sadlers X


Lindsay Hoare