Anthony Talbot

Summer Ocean Swim 1km 2024

Done and dusted - more of a challenge than I anticipated

The Cole Classic was held at Manly on Sunday - 1, 2 or 5km options.  With over 5000 entrants Manly was buzzing with swimmers and supporters. Much more of a scene than at Palm Beach the week before.  There was a reasonable wind and the sea was more choppy than in our practice swims.  I walked over to Shelly Beach in a stream of participants, and met up with some friends to join the start crowd.  The fastest swimmers left at 10.20 and around 11 I found myself heading off.  The first 4 - 500 metres were really tough - a combination of me probably being swept up in the event and swimming too fast, plus backwash from the sea wall, some swell, and a choppy surface.  I found myself out of breath and very uncomfortable, so slowed to a breast stroke, and then to doing my best otter impersonation on my back, while I struggled to get my breathing under control and regain my mojo.  Visibility in the water was poor, and sooo many people swam past me.  I was ready to give up and get out, but knew that if I did that I would have to tell you all, and do it again next year, so in the end I persisted.  Gradually I got a swimming rhythm and battled it out into the main part of the swim. I'm not good at being aware of those around me, and I was constantly surprised by swimmers passing, which can upset my rhythm. Visibility above the water was difficult because of sunlight reflecting om the irregular surface, seeing through steamy  goggles, waves being in the way just when you want to breathe, etc, and I was very grateful that there were so many 'water safety' people on boards pointing in the right direction.  The large brightly coloured marks that we were swimming around were difficult to distinguish, and I had to put the fact that they seemed such a long way apart (when I observed them on the walk to the start) out of my mind!  My course was erratic, but eventually I got to the end point where we could turn from home. With about 500 meters to swim my legs were cramping but at least I knew where I had to get to.  A final turn to the right and it was a straight line to the beach.  I largely ignored the rollers and just kept swimming until i touched the sand, and then it was up and try to get my legs to pretend to run through the sand to the finish point.  I was exhausted, and really not good at conversation for a little while. My first words were something like 'that is the most difficult thing Ive done for a very long time', and I cant remember being so close to giving up, so THANK YOU all for your donations and support; if I hadn't had to face up to you after stopping I might not have finished!  In the end I swam 2.45km in just over an hour, and proudly came 81st out of 83 in my age group.  Without CanToo's training I wouldn't have stood a chance, and now I think its time to get some lessons :-)

First swim done :-)

Today I went up to Palm Beach and swam in the 'Little Big Swim' - just short of a km and my initial target swim.  All went well, the conditions were excellent, and I found I swam a little faster than I expected, probably dragged along by all the other competitors!  Working out that Im going the right way and not being taken out in the crush around the bouys have been the main challenges.  Experience makes a difference so now Im anticipating my main event next weekend.  All your support definitely makes me more determined to do this well.  The photo is off me setting off - Thank you :-)

Target increased

I have no excuse not to try harder. Im enjoying the process.  The water is clear and warm.   So Ive upped my target to 2km.  The swim will be in Manly at the Cole Classic event at the beginning of February.  


Hi All,
Ive recently committed to a 1km Ocean Swim and would love your sponsorship.  CanToo has organised the programme and is raising for Cancer charities.  Since early November Ive been attending 2 training sessions a week, as well as swimming on my own.  The last time I swam any distance was when I was 11 (and I got my 1 mile badge!).  Ive never done squad training - its hard work and I think I've improved - we will find out in a few weeks time when we time ourselves again, but to start with I'm definitely slower than many others.   I guess that now Ive swum about 15km with the group and a further 12km alone, which Im pleased about.  Here's a photo at one of the very first sessions.


I'm supporting cancer research and prevention with Can Too Foundation. 

It would be fantastic if you could sponsor me!  Best of all, the Cazenove Association, representing my old firm, will match your donation (to a limit!) so please give something!

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to change. 

So I asked myself, "what can I do to help?" That's where the Can Too Foundation came in! Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world. 

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, Can Too Foundation has trained over 18,000 participants and raised over $25,000,000 to invest in over 200 one-year cancer research grants.

Thank you for your support!


Thank you to my Sponsors


Anthony Talbot


Grant Cameron

Great challenge!! And great organisation too !!!


Peter Talbot

Good for you Ant. Good cause.


Jonathon Rofe

Ant - you're an inspiration! Good luck!


Ian Parker

good on you, i am sure it will be a snack!


Mark O

Make sure you lard up well


Ken Hyman

Good on you Ant taking up this challenge


Peter Curry

Go Ant……you can do 2km no problem !!👏👏


Angus, Jessie, Bella, Will Burns

Can Ants Swim?... Hope so!



Inspiring stuff Ant!


Thomas Dubois

Members of the Verbier Lunch club need all the support they can get… Enjoy the 2km swim and good on ya!!..🥇


Scott Hookway

Go Ant


Peter Prentice

You are certainly a great Trier, keep trying.


Nick L

Good luck Ant!


David B

Well done!


Brigitte And Tim

All good training for Sicily !


Sam Hunter

Mate swim hard, happy to help


Andrew And Amanda Hislop

Impressed you have increased the distance. I know you will nail it. Go well and go hard.


Colin Downes

Go you good Ant!🏊👍


Fergus Herbert

Go Ant! Great Charity. Awesome that you have increased your intended distance - will be there to cheer you on (from the beach).



WOOHOOO GO DAD! A good swim for a good cause !!


Robin Tedder

Hats off to you and your old muckers at Caz


Bookkeeping By Kylie

Go Ant! I'm sure you'll make it no trouble at all:)




Mark Smallwood

Well done Ant - Did not know you could swim - impressive! :)


Dominic Baker

Good luck Ant!


Robert Horner

Great cause well done


Ian Logan

Good luck Ant, from what I saw you’ve got this!


Chris Fleming

Hope this donation gets to you!



Go Ant go!


Neil & Shouna

Gogogo Ant!


Nick Abrahams

Best wishes Nick A


Ali Currie

Good on you Ant, you are an inspiration!!


Colin B

Go Ant


Jim Renwick

A belated well done