Amarnath Mylapore Dwarakanath

Autumn Surf Ski Program 2024

16th Day FINAL Challenge - 14/04/2024

Race Day Glory: Conquering the Challenge!

The Big Day!  Finally, the day arrived to put all my training and learning to the test.  First, a HUGE thank you to the incredible support team! Coaches and support team Robin, Kate, Mark (Paddlepop!), Lloyd, Ali, Caro, Jules, and everyone else who came to cheer us on - including my parents, Anna's dad, and so many more!  Your support meant the world to me.

Things got off to a hilarious start when I encountered a (fake!) black snake amongst the debris in the bay.  For a moment, I thought it was real!  Then came the board selection - a little friendly ribbing from the crew as I picked boards and paddles seemingly destined for others.  Finally, I settled on a trusty V8 Pro board and paddle, ready to conquer the course.

After a good warm-up fueled by tons of encouragement from the team, we were all off!  The weather was perfect, the waves were manageable, and the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. It was an amazing sight to see our entire team supporting each other.

Can you believe it?  I finished in an incredible 1 hour and 14 minutes!  Huge thanks to the amazing support staff who cheered me on the entire way.  And to top it off, I hit a whopping 36 km/h – that's officially on record, baby!

The ultimate win, of course, goes to the entire CAN TOO team – we all successfully completed the challenge!  And to make the celebration even sweeter, we enjoyed some delicious cheesecake courtesy of Jacob.

Thank you to everyone who made this experience so unforgettable.  While I'll definitely miss our Wednesday and Friday routine next week, I know we'll catch up for some open sessions soon. 

15th Day of Training - 12/04/2024

Conquering the Waves: A Stand Up Paddle Triumph!

For our final training session with Coach Lloyd, luck was definitely on our side! We were blessed with beautiful waves, perfect for catching some rides. Now, as you all know, I'm not exactly the bravest soul when it comes to waves and wobbly boards. But let me tell you, this time it was a blast!

Not only did I have a ton of fun, but I also learned a valuable new technique for balancing on the board during those high (or should I say, "unbalanced") ocean moments.

Since it was our last session, Coach Lloyd turned things over to us, letting us try everything we wanted with his expert guidance and support. It was an absolute blast! We enjoyed it so much that even after the official training time, nobody wanted to leave the water.

Speaking of the water, guess what? While (almost) everyone else took a refreshing dip (don't worry, everyone's okay!), I managed to stay upright! Let's just say a little luck (and maybe some newfound balance skills) was on my side.  Truth be told, the thought of falling into the ocean still makes me a bit nervous – there's a reason the saying "body strong, basement weak" exists, right?

But hey, I faced my fears, learned some awesome new skills, and had a fantastic time thanks to the incredible support of this team!  Here's to conquering waves and crushing goals together!

14th Day of Training - 10/04/2024

Unforgettable Stand Up Paddle Adventure!

One of the sessions I'll never forget! The ocean was mostly clear, with waves rearing their heads just waiting to be conquered. We tried to paddle under the bridge, but those currents were no joke! It was a real challenge, pushing us to our limits.

Undeterred, we paddled to the other side, and let me tell you, it was incredibly challenging yet exhilarating at the same time. Huge thanks to our amazing coach, Mark (the Paddlepop Coach!), for his constant encouragement and guidance. Out of our group of five, let's just say most of us took a refreshing dip in the ocean (some even twice!).

There was a hilarious moment when everyone scattered in different directions. I followed what I thought was a fellow paddler with a white cap, only to realize later they were way out of my league!  I ended up paddling back to the bay solo, which turned into a surprisingly empowering experience.

This adventure truly opened my eyes to my own strength and resilience.  The conditions were wild, with harbor winds gusting up to 48kph and a 4.8m swell off the coast! Despite some initial fear (okay, maybe a lot of fear!) of the shaky board and the intense wind, it turned out to be a fantastic experience I'll cherish forever.

Huge thanks to Mark, Anna, James, and Jacob for joining me on this epic journey. Your support made all the difference!

13th Day of Training - 08/04/2024

Successful Surf Ski Training Despite the Weather!

Our session originally scheduled for Friday, April 5th, was moved to Monday, April 8th due to the heavy rain. It turned out to be a great call by Coach Lloyd, as I heard someone lost their paddle during Friday's downpour and had to swim back with their hands!

Monday's training was excellent! The team covered a good distance, starting with drills and progressing to a targeted race format. Coach Lloyd provided valuable tips and tricks while following alongside us on a ski.

While the water conditions weren't ideal (debris and some dirtiness), we all persevered. One team member even got a piece of wood stuck on their ski, but we were able to work together and remove it safely.

On a positive note, using the V9 ski again felt great! After training, we enjoyed catching up over coffee, and Coach Lloyd also kindly helped me set up my Apple Watch with the Waterspeed app to track my training GPS location.

With only two more sessions before the big race on April 14th, I'm feeling both excited and a little nervous! Looking forward to it!

12th Day of Training - 03/04/2024

Awesome Session with Mark - Building Remount Confidence!

Had a fantastic session with Mark today!  The weather cooperated beautifully, and we ended up exceeding our planned routine.  We even practiced remounts from both sides of the board – a big challenge for me in the past  (remember the 8-attempt bypass incident? ).

This time, however, I conquered those remounts, twice from the comfy side and once from the not-so-comfy side!  Feeling much more confident now, and I'm thinking about trying the V9 version for the next session instead of my V8 Pro.

Thanks, Mark, for another great training session!

Stoked to keep improving!

11th Day of Training - 22/03/2024

Our session with Lloyd today was a blast! We drilled hard, focusing on the basics and doing multiple laps. The weather was perfect – sunshine and barely a breeze – which made it even better for practicing those drills. We started in the dark, and I have a feeling that might become the norm, but hey, that just adds to the challenge, right?

To finish things off, we even got a little race from our training spot, with everyone competing based on their skills. It was so much fun, and I can't wait to do it all again soon!  Bring on more training!

10th Day of Training - 13/03/2024

Perfect Day for Surf Training with Can Too Crew and last training with Rod!

What a glorious day for some surf skiing! ?? The water was incredibly smooth, and the atmosphere was electric thanks to all my awesome Can Too buddies.

We kicked off our training session with the fantastic Rod, and it turns out it was his last session with us.  He's been an exceptional coach, always there to correct our mistakes and offer essential techniques.

The best part?  Despite having skiers with varying skill levels, Rod managed to give each of us personalized attention and guidance. His suggestions and tips were invaluable in helping us improve our technique.

Huge thanks again to Kate for her unwavering dedication to our training, and to Anna for capturing the moment!

9th Day of Training - 06/03/2024

Made a splash with Rod today!

We had a fantastic first training session with Rod, who is a fantastic coach. He patiently guided us through the essential techniques, prioritizing safety every step of the way. His enthusiasm was truly contagious!

While we may not have covered a massive distance yet, the focus on foundational skills was invaluable. We feel well-equipped to build upon this solid base in future sessions.

Huge thanks to Kate for going the extra mile (literally!) by arranging the waterproof lights. Her dedication and support, as always, are truly appreciated!

8th Day of Training - 01/03/2024

Crushed our distance goal today!

We hit the water with Lloyd and conquered an impressive 7.5km in just 1.5 hours! It was so inspiring to see the potential of our team and how far we can push ourselves together.

Huge thanks to Kate, Ali, and Caro for their amazing support and encouragement!

7th Day of Training - 23/02/2024

Fantastic day at Can Too with Coach Troy!

Friday dawned bright and beautiful, washing away the remnants of Wednesday's storm. What a perfect day for a Can Too session! And even better, it turned out to be my coach Troy's birthday!

We had a fantastic ride on the ocean, witnessing a breathtaking sunrise. Perhaps fueled by the excitement of the day and my trusty coach (and maybe a touch of birthday cake!), Troy threw a challenge my way: remounting. While I confessed to knowing the theory, I hadn't practiced in open water.

Well, guess what? I took the plunge (literally!) and successfully remounted after falling in. We even practiced a few more times near the shore for good measure. Though the heart rate monitor might tell a different story, I felt a surge of confidence with each attempt.

Huge thanks to Troy and the CanToo team for their incredible support and guidance! Today was a fantastic reminder of how far I've come and the strength I'm building day by day.

6th Day of Training - 16/02/2024

Woohoo! Today's paddle session with Lloyd was epic!  We crushed almost 6km, even conquered the intimidating Grotta (didn't see that coming!), and most of us emerged triumphant.

Check out Peter's heart rate skyrocketing on the chart - that's when we tackled the Heads!

Honestly, I was stoked to hit the board, but those waves got me pumping! My heart was pounding, mixed with a healthy dose of "don't fall in!" fear.

Huge thanks to Lloyd for the awesome coaching, and shoutout to Al & Caro for their epic support the whole way.

This trip was a game-changer! I finally get the knee position, hip movement, rotation, and arm positioning for paddling. Lots to remember, but hey, it was a blast!

Bring on more paddling adventures!

5th Day of Training - 07/02/2024

CanToo Conquering: T-shirt, Triumph, and Tidal Turns! ???

Today was a wave-tastic day! Receiving the prestigious CanToo T-shirt and hat from Kate was surreal, especially after Paul's (CEO of CanToo!) inspiring speech about challenging ourselves for a good cause. We are all in this together, paddling for progress against cancer!

Next up, coaching with amazing CanToo teammates and the awesome Mark Gillett! He's our surfing sensei, guiding us on board and paddle selection (shoutout to Paul, Kate, and Alice for their fantastic support!). Then, guess who got to be the lucky demo person for setting up the foot rest? Me!

Mark drilled us on kick-starting like champs, and the whole team crushed it! We hit the ocean, even with some gusty winds. We navigated to the calmer waters, but oh boy, did I see some epic wipeouts! Some teammates swam back to shore with board and paddle, determined to remount like warriors. ?

Honestly, my heart was doing a little samba of nerves, thinking "when's my turn?". Luckily, it went smoothly!  But the real fun began with learning new rotation-tastic skills for both hips and legs. Plus, I cracked the code for remounting the board – life jacket tightness matters! Turns out, a loose one can be a real obstacle. Once I tightened it up, bam! Surfing like a pro (well, almost!).

This wasn't just about conquering waves, it was about conquering self-doubt. I'm so grateful to CanToo for supporting cancer research and empowering rookies like me. They're helping me build skills, boost my confidence, and embrace a healthier lifestyle, one paddle stroke at a time.

Here's to many more thrilling CanToo adventures and making a splash for a great cause!

4th Day of Training - 06/02/2024

Mosman Mission: From Rough Seas to Triumphant Surfs! ??

Fourth time's the charm, right?  This Mosman morning with Coach Troy was all about tackling my wave woes, head-on (or should I say, head-first!). I arrived at the crack of dawn (well, 5:40am to be precise) ready to conquer that pesky board-mounting maneuver. Little did I know, the ocean had other plans!

Surprise twist: Coach wasn't there initially, leaving me to set up and paddle out solo. Excitement bubbled in my chest, mixed with a healthy dose of trepidation (okay, maybe a lot of trepidation). It was still dark, my confidence in remounting was shaky, and my swimming skills weren't exactly Olympian…

Not to mention, the weather decided to join the party with a full-on rain and wind combo. Guess what? As expected, I did a glorious (and unplanned) belly flop into the water. Board and paddle went rogue, leaving me swimming like a determined (but slightly panicked) mermaid.

But hey, even mermaids have epiphanies! I realized sticking closer to shore was a wiser option for this rookie sailor. Just as I was contemplating an early retreat, guess who arrived like a surfing superhero? Coach Troy, timing his entrance perfectly!

With a mix of thrill and (admittedly, more) fear, I agreed to brave the rough waters with his guidance. Let me tell you, battling the wind, balancing on the board, and dodging waves was no easy feat.  But hey, every struggle is a story waiting to be told, right?

By the end, I was drenched, the board resembled a mini lake, and I was utterly exhausted. Yet, a huge smile plastered across my face. I had faced my fears, pushed my limits, and actually enjoyed the ride!

A big thanks to Coach Troy for being my surfing sensei and fearless cheerleader. This Mosman mission may have started with choppy waters, but it ended with a wave of accomplishment and a heart full of joy. Until next time, ocean!

3rd Day of Training - 30/01/2024

Mosman Mastery with Troy: Third Time's the Charm (and the Calm!) ???

Third time's the charm, and this Mosman morning with Coach Troy was all about conquering my wave woes!  This time, I started sharp at 5:40am, determined to ace that pesky board-mounting maneuver.

Gone was the day-one gung-ho; instead, I channeled inner zen, focusing on balance and technique. Troy, the patient Jedi Master of the ocean, guided me through the art of paddling: "knees up, eyes forward, keep the momentum!" he'd say, his voice a soothing mantra against the ocean's roar.

We practiced a rhythm of paddling for a minute, followed by 30-second breaks, gradually increasing the duration. It felt less like conquering waves and more like a peaceful dance with the water. My mind shifted from the initial excitement to a calm focus, each stroke taking me closer to my goal.

And guess what? I sort of nailed it! Mounting and dismounting the board became a smooth, graceful flow (still not 100% confident on mounting….). The joy that washed over me wasn't just about the technique, but about the newfound confidence and inner peace I discovered on the water.

Big thanks to Coach Troy for being my Yoda on this aquatic adventure! The ocean may throw its waves, but I'm ready to ride them with a smile (and maybe a little less panic next time ).

2nd Day of Training - 23/01/2024

Second Mosman Splash with Troy: Epic Fails & Ocean Triumphs! ?

Second time around with Coach Troy in Mosman, and let's just say, the early 6 am (okay, okay, 6:10 am ) start couldn't dampen my enthusiasm after day one's success! I paddled out with confidence, feeling like a total ocean warrior.

Then, boom! Mother Nature decided to test my newfound bravery. A sneaky wave hit me sideways, sending me for an unexpected dip. Cue the panic (remember, pool swimming doesn't prepare you for ocean surprises!). I tried (and failed) to heroically climb back onto my board, leading to the hilarious sight of Coach Troy rescuing me by lassoing my board with his!

The adventure wasn't over yet. My chosen comeback point came with a hidden bonus: coral reef city! Needless to say, my valiant escape left me with two souvenir shells embedded in my feet. Talk about a unique Mosman memento! (Although, maybe not the most comfortable one.) The pain was real, so off I went to the emergency room that night, even after a 5 km run, shells and all!

Despite the drama, this experience only fueled my determination to conquer the waves. The funny falls, the ocean wisdom learned, and the epic shell souvenirs - it all adds to the Mosman magic!

1st Day of Training - 18/01/2024

Mosman Magic with Vivianna! ??

My first training with Vivianna in Mosman was an absolute blast!  At 7:10 am sharp, coach Vivien geared me up, setting my leg paddle to a comfy 14.0. Feeling excited (and maybe a little intimidated!), we hit the water.

Suddenly, whoops! I realized everyone else had paddled off, leaving me solo.  Turns out, my foot paddle was steering me... straight towards a million-dollar yacht!  Luckily, Vivien and the team swooped in just in time to guide me safely into the open ocean. Talk about beginner's luck!

From there, it was pure joy and enthusiasm.  I embraced the waves, soaked in the sunshine, and (most importantly) stayed on my board!  It was an unforgettable adventure, and I can't wait for more Mosman magic with Vivianna. ?

Thank you to my Sponsors


Woolworths Charity Of The Month Feb 2024






Sakthi Shalini Kannan

Congratulations Amar!! Best wishes for your surf swim


Vinodkumar Manikandan

Congratulations Amar, good luck with your surf ski journey



Good luck bro!


Hema Siva

Congratulations for finishing the course!


Krishna Dwarakanath

Keep it up my dear and enjoy your every moment


Santhosh Duraiswamy


Sandheep Gopalakrishnan

Keep going buddy! Well done!


Shilpa Janardhanan

Congratulations & Welocme to the Cantoo community Amar!! All the best with the program, can't wait to read more about your Surf ski adventures🥰


Melinda Harrington

Welcome to the Team! So great to have you on board. This should get you to your goal!


Miles Baulch

Good on you mate!!



Its a worthy cause..!! Keep it up Amar..!!


Ankur J