Tanya Vaughan

Sydney Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 9km Sydney 2015

Week 10: It's graduation time!

The final week of training meant one thing - GRADUATION time!!!

After our weekly briefing by the lovely Megs, the final fund-raising stars were celebrated and the Hall of Fame awardee (Ann Louise) acknowledged, we were each presented with our Graduation Certificates and photo collection. Words of appreciation for our wonderful Coach and Team Captains were exchanged, with gifts of course, and there was much laughter and craziness as we celebrated together.

Because the HILLS POD is simply awesome, we were the lucky recipients of the CAKE PRIZE for all achieving our fundraising goals befor the program's end. COACH decided that we needed a super special cake, so she went ALL OUT - with a Malteaser Cake which she had been eyeing off for weeks.

There was one thing yet to be done - training, of course, so we headed out to the oval for the mandatory warm up lap and stretches.

6 x 400m laps of the oval was in order tonight - 200m at race pace then 200m at a higher intensity pace! The pod was in fine form, with the pace set at an incredibly fast pace....we had one thing on our mind - pizza and drinks at the HILLSIDE TAVERN, as part of our graduation celebrations. A quick cool down and stretches finished off our final training session....then we were off to the pub!

$6 pizzas, a glass of wine, good company, selfies and laughs wrapped up our last Wednesday night together for this program. it was time to focus on race day....with minimal training in the lead up to the main event.

I went to bed absolutely wired on Saturday night, and wondered how on earth I would ever get to sleep....but I did. The alarm startled me out of a deep sleep....the sun was shining (after a forecast of rain) and it was time to get going.

We met together, handed over jackets to Des - our number 1 Energy Champ and Bag-man for the day, and we headed towards Bradfield Park and the start line. The Can Too-ers all gathered to hear from Susannah, warmups were done and we then headed to prepare to begin our run.

Selfies, group shots, excitement and smiles....we set our watches and took off towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge! Kate, Nick and I were running at a steady pace and seemed to be in good form. Our first split, a little fast at 6.32, was surprising...and we were sure that we could conquer this!

The 5km mark at St Mary's was tough but I dug deep and ran towards the dreaded Mrs Macquarie's Chair...I'm not sure what happened, but I lost Kate and Nick! The turn around at the point was crowded and congested - frustrating as it slowed me down and I lost my pace. I struggled to find my groove as I ran up the hill and my pace pulled back. I hit the 8km mark and Nick took off past me....I was now tired and struggling to get my head in the game. The CAN TOO mascots cheered me on and before I knew it, Annie was yelling out my name - I needed to dig deep and finish as strong as I could.

With tired legs and a foggy head, in the distance I could see COACH's smiling face running towards me. Cheering me on with only 400m to go, we ran together towards the finishing line at the gates of the Botanical Gardens. 

I could hear Des cheering me on - and I tried to wave back as best as I could. We pushed ourselves hard and ran across the finishing line at a time of 1.01 - my PB, with an average split of 6.34km/h.

Hugs, feelings of elation, medals and high fives were in abundance. A quick stop off at the cool down zone before heading to the CAN TOO tent for a much needed and well deserved celebration with the CAN TOO-ers! Cheezles, cake, fruit and champas flowed....all of which was followed by green snakes - YUM!!!

One more stop - the Australian Heritage Hotel - for the Hills Pod celebratory lunch and drinks. Lots of food (pizza again), wine, laughter, birthday celebrations (for the lovely Kate) and cake filled the afternoon. We had all done our best, trained hard, given it all we could and helped to be part of a bigger cause - raising the much needed funds for CURE CANCER - all thanks to CAN TOO.

I love the program, I love the people and I love the PURPOSE of CAN TOO....

So now, I look forward to the next program with CAN TOO - who knows, maybe a half marathon is in there somewhere! Let's see what 2016 brings my way....

Week 9: Push ups and planks on the Opera House steps, why not?!?!

Feeling like I am now in some sort of rhythm, I turned up to training on Wednesday night with a spring in my step.

As a fundraising star, I was presented with my shirt, cap and certificate for reaching my goal of $800. Lovely Megs presented me with an orange feather boa, which I proudly donned around my neck and waved about as I shared the ways in which I got the support from famlly and friends.

The training session this week involved 3 sets of 1000m runs - with negative splits expected by COACH. My slight obsession with my Garmin watch and the data it gives my phone and computer, I set off at a steady pace around the track. 200m jogs in between each set allowed me to pick up my pace and keep my little legs moving. Success! 3 sets done and a negative split achieved each time....with the last lap an absolute killer, whilst being completely inspired by the pace of Kate as she took off for the final sprint!

We met early on Saturday morning to car pool our way into the Opera House, where we met up with all the other CAN TOO runners from around Sydney for the practice run in readiness for event day. After a coffee (thanks to Sharon who was desperate and I followed suit), a chat by Annie and Susannah thanking us and encouraging us as we prepare for race day and a group photo on the Opera House steps, we set off towards the Botanical Gardens to complete the final 6km strech of the race map. 

I was dreading the stretch around Mrs Macquarie's Chair and the hill towards the Art Gallery, but I was determined to smash it. Kate and I weaved our way through the groups of runners and pushed through as best we can. Slightly regretting the coffee I had consumed, the climb near the gallery was tough as I had expected it to be. I was feeling good, with a steady pace which i knew I could improve as I headed back towards the majestic views of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge....UNTIL - a parade of bikies came whizzing through the city streets. We were ground to a halt by the police who were monitoring the traffic.....GRRR! After about a 5 minute wait, we realised that we could do a detour through the gardens near the Conservitorium of Music - which we did and I ran as fast as I could towards the finish.

Stretches, planks and pushups on the Opera House steps - why not!?! Too funny!

Breakfast in the Opera Bar on a beautiful 25 degree Spring morning was the perfect way to finish the training session. After much conversation, a good laugh and the necessary coffee, I headed towards the ferry to meet up with Des and Deb in Manly.

A perfect way to start my weekend - and a perfect way to head into the final week of preparations before the Blackmores Running Festival on Sunday....whoop whoop!

Week 8: breakthrough, FINALLY!

Fundraising goal - check!

Regular running routine - check!

New Garmin watch - check!

Breakthrough - check!

With only a couple of weeks to go now, I am feeling like things are coming together and I could almost get to the end of this program in one piece!

My fundraising goal was reached this week and I am now officially a CAN TOO Fundraising Star! It feels good to know that I am doing something small to tackle a really big problem, and I am thankful to the researchers who are working tirelessly behind closed doors to find the breakthrough that is needed to cure cancer - freeing the future generations of this dreadful disease. I am also grateful for the supporters - the family, friends and colleagues who have got behind me and contributed towards this round of fundraising.

This week was another 3km time trial, and due to a work commitment, I was unable to join the POD for the mid-week training session.

Thanks to the new 'technological love of my life', my new GARMIN forerunner 620, I took myself to the local oval to do my 3km time trial myself on Tuesday night. Running round and round in circles doesn't really do it for me, but I did it anyway! Loving the data that my new watch provides, I pressed buttons as i lapped the oval - hoping I was pushing the right one to record my splits. To my surprise, I managed to do 3kms with a negative split at each one....and it felt good. A night of delicious food with my mum, siblings, kids and various family members at the Malaya was the perfect place to celebrate this time trial.

On Saturday morning, we gathered together for the 9km run - the longest run in this program. With my watch at the ready, we took off up the hill and headed towards Windsor Road towards the Showground Road turnaround. My ankle was giving me some grief and although the temptation to stop was pressing, I pushed through and made it to the finish line - marking 9.39km done and dusted! No stopping and a negative split - breakthrough at last!

Planks, pushups and stretches followed - then off to the Coffee Club for a good hot breakfast and a BIG cup of coffee with the people that I now call my friends. Loving the CAN TOO journey!!!

Week 7: Encouragement goes a long way

Week 7....already! This could only mean one thing...I needed to shift a gear, face this challenge, dig deep and get ready for race day which was creeping up on me!

The week that was had begun to turn things around, due to the support and encouragement that my dear husband had given me by posting a challenge on facebook - offering to do 'odd jobs' in return for a donation to my fundraising page. My target was well in sight, as Des had stirred up a wave of new support and I was feeling the encouragement as people posted thier donations.

I turned up to training, ready to give it my best. There were a few away this week, so I knew that COACH's eyes would be like a hawk - I wasn't going to get away with much!

The training set was better, for whatever reason, this week. 800m steady, 600m faster and then a 400m at a faster pace still. YEP! 3 SETS....I wanted to do this and do it well, so I took off at my own pace and tried my best to remain focused on the end goal.

The last 400m is always the hardest. I am tired, I can see the finish line and I know that there is soup waiting for us! The others had finished (I am one of the slowest in the Pod, but I'm all good with that) and they were waiting, or so I thought! However, rather than just waiting, they joined me and did my final lap with me...4 of us running together as they encouraged me to remain focused and maintain my pace. It was pretty amazing and with the support of my CAN TOO buddies and COACH, I picked up my pace and SMASHED it!

Somehow, the 8 km run on Saturday seemed to be something that I was happily prepared to face. It felt good to run, with the CAN TOO running Champions, some energy champs with water on the side and our amazing HILLS POD team captains encouraging me as I plodded along. My time was good and my pace steady....it felt good to go the distance.

The encouragement I had felt this week was palpable and it reminded me that I need to go out of my way to support and encourage others - you never know the difference it might make - it may even push someone to achieve great things - even if their great thing is a small thing like mine!

Only one more KM to conquer....looking forward to week 8!

Week 6: It's time to BEAT THIS THING!

I spend my days encouraging staff and girls to live life with optimism and a Growth Mindset. I believe in the principles and philosophy of Carol Dweck's research on growth and development - giving everything our personal best and being persistent in the face of challenge or adversity. i teach it, talk about it, do my best to live it and want to see others flourish as a result of thinking this way about thier endless possiblities.

This week's training was another tough set. 3 lots of 800m - 90 seconds rest - 400m at a fast pace - 60 seconds rest! To top it off, each of the 3 400m runs needed to - you guessed it - NEGATIVE SPLIT (get faster each time)....which in my mind, is not natural as obviously you get tired towards the end of a training session, don't you?!?

After a quick warm up lap and a few mandatory stretches, we took off. I was running with my "watch buddy" - KATE, and it was tough.

2 sets down and, although I was looking for oxygen, I was feeling ok. The final set was where I was going to BEAT THIS THING, and run until the very end....you know, growth mindset, perseverance, grit, determination, progress, goals etc etc!

The 800m part was hard work - and the final 90 second static rest was VERY WELCOME! ONE more lap to go, but at FULL PACE!

100m done, 200m, done....breathing hard, unable to talk, legs tiring quickly. 300m....DEAD STOP! Nothing left within me and I was defeated AGAIN. A rush of disappointment came over me and all I could hear was Nick behind me saying "don't give up Tanya, keep going, you're nearly there". He was right - I was nearly there. 

Why did I give up?

Why did I let this mental game win?

Where was my grit, my determination, my perseverance?

Where was my optimism and my Growth Mindset?

i didn't stop for long - 5 secs MAX and the lovely Megs joined me as i crossed the finishing line - but I was so MAD. 

"I can't do this!" I yelled as I hit my forehead! 

COACH said, "when you've had a rest, do you want to run with me and let's beat this?"

NO was the only word that came out....And that was my wake up call....who was this? I'm not sure where it came from, but I didn't like the sound of me!

Of course, I did want to run and I did want to beat it....so we did. COACH and I took off once more - at a fairly consistent pace, she talked, I listened and we ran. The final 60m was tough, but with the encouraging words of COACH and the self belief that I needed to conquer this - we ran to the finishing line. JOB DONE.

The Saturday morning run was a HUGE 7km....up and down the hills, through the parks and over the bridges. It was hot and I was struggling with the feeling of not being hydrated enough, but I got to the end - with just a few short walks as I reached the top of some hills!

With only 3 weeks to go, I need to continue to train as hard as I can - be aware of my mindset and give this thing all I have got....because on race day, I WILL BEAT THIS THING!

Week 5: Enter the Park Run

WOOP WOOP! Half way through the 10 week training program....and I'm still running!

This week, another new phenomenon entered my training world - THE PARK RUN!

After a rigorous training session on Wednesday with negative splits everywhere (see how naturally this running term now comes to me!!! hahahahaha) it was our task to sign ourselves up to the Park Run website.

Park Runs happen every Saturday morning (apparently) at 8am in various locations around Sydney. They are free to register, and once you have done so, you can just turn up to any park run you would like to be a part of, any Saturday throughout the year. They are 5km runs, run by an army of volunteers and, as I discovered, they are lots of fun!

The weather was perfect on Saturday as we gathered at The Ponds Park Run, dressed in our orange, to start the race. The volunteers were SO excited to see us - praising our efforts and even going so far as to call us "triathletes in training"! Of course, I loved the high praise and did my usual silly comment, drawing attention to how my little legs are often mistaken as triathlete legs!!! Nerves do weird things to me!!!

The course was flat and the atmosphere fun...so I took off like lightening! The lovely Megs, one of our team captains, was running with me and it felt good. The half way point was a steady 2.7km into the course and it could only mean one thing - I still had half a run to go.....All things being equal, that would be fine, except I was BUGGERED!! I could hear the wise words of COACH say, "take a concrete pill and get on with it" so I did.

At the 4km mark, COACH herself joined me and it was great to have her support and words of encouragement. However, although i could see the finishing line in the distance - my legs were tiring and my mind SWITCHED off! I was so disappointed with myself, as I knew I really could keep going. COACH was great and walked the path with me, refocusing my mind and encouraging me to pick up the pace once again. I did, and it felt good to run across the finish line, be handed a token and scan my results in to the officials.

As I walked towards the other HILLS POD runners, I checked my app to see my results. Suddenly, I could see why I had stopped - I had run like the wind and my time blitzed anything I had done before. I was happy with that - but I know I need to work on that mental barrier which is creeping in....and I do intend to BEAT IT before RACE DAY!


Week 4: 6km already?

Week 4 seemed to sneak up on me way too quickly! With singing and dancing, glitter and sparkles consuming my world at work - it was hard to believe that we were up to week 4 in our training program and that meant a 6km run was on its way to greet me!

Sadly, I couldn't get away from work early enough to make the 3km time trials on Wednesday evening...and although I tried to make it in time for PUB night....this week was always going to be a week where the struggle would be real and my chances way too slim!

It was up to me, therefore, to get my tired body to the gym on Thursday morning and do my best to time my 3km run on the treadmill, making sure that I worked on my negative splits (getting faster with each kilometer). The alarm was cruel, but I did it and after running at a quickening pace each kilometer, it felt good to be moving and training.

Saturday morning's 6km started with a difference. Coach decided that she wanted to film us running. Ok, so running is one thing, but to have my little legs filmed as they attempt to carry me up the hill is another thing completely! Of course, I couldn't help myself and I talked the whole way up the hill....blah blah blah i'm nervous blah blah blah! Lucky Coach is a very patient and tolerant person!

This course is a hard one, with some good hills to challenge us....but I had a time in mind and I wanted to do my best. The sun was struggling to send any warmth our way and it felt like our fingers were going to snap - but as Coach says, "take a concrete pill and get on with it"!

The time went pretty quickly and it felt good to get to the end - with NO stops! That in itself is a massive achievement! The usual planks, stretches, push ups and stride throughs followed....wrapping up another week of training.

All that was left was breakfast, a good cup of coffee and a chat....and of course, those who could spare the time did exactly that.

Another week of fun, fitness and friendship....NOW I JUST NEED TO WORK ON THE FUNDRAISING!!!!

Week 3: 1200 builds did you say?

As someone who was always part of the Captain Ball team on Athletics Carnival days at school, which should give you some indication of my natural running ability, this week's training was always going to be one that stretched me.

Looking the part, thanks to my new running gear, I turned up to Wednesday night's training expectant for another great night with the Hill Raisers Pod! Coach was her usual bubbly self, the team was in good spirits and the usual greetings were exchanged.

The program on my fridge said 2-3 x 1200 builds and I thought I knew what was ahead of me....but once Coach started explaining the evening's session - I once again had that fleeting thought of "what on earth am I doing here?" I had read the program, but clearly I was unable to interpret 'running speak' as the words on my fridge and the words that coach were saying seemed to be 2 very different things.

"Tonight" Coach began, "we are going to do 3 lots of 1200 builds. 1200 builds is essentially 3 laps around the oval and with each lap of 400m, you need to build on the time of the last lap". She continued, "and for the last 400 of each set, you need to pick up the intensity so that the last 200m is a powerful sprint!....Then, we will do that 2 more times and each time, we want to build the intensity"

Yeah right! I couldn't see any paramedics anywhere and I was wondering who in the pod might have their CPR/first aid training as this was sounding intense.

A warm up lap or two, some stretches, high knee runs and stride throughs got us started and then...it was time to begin the session. As a fiercly competitive person who never wants to be defeated, there was nothing much that I could do other than just suck it up and do this!

Thankfully, I found Kate - a fellow pod member - who was running at a similar pace to me, and we took off around the track with Kate's watch set to monitor our pace. Lap one - steady and stable....lap two - pushing ourselves to go a little harder....lap three - change in breathing pattern, pace building....we crossed the line strong. SET ONE DONE.

Set TWO followed, and to our surprise both Kate and I came in stronger with each lap and although feeling breathless at the end of the 1200m, we had achieved our goal. 

A quick 200m recovery before the last 1200 would begin....and in no time, Kate and I were running again. Steady, comfortable and feeling good....until the last 400m lap. My breathing was heavy and my head was trying to convince my legs to STOP. After a quick pull back in pace - Kate took off towards the finishing line and I had to make a decision - let this mindset defeat me or pull it out of the bag and do this.

My little legs won the battle and I picked up my speed and ran as fast as I could towards the finishing line....AMAZING! Our final lap was 5.39km/h - which is a speed that is unheard of for me! And, it felt good.

Stretches, planks, push ups and SOUP followed (thanks to Lyndall)....another night of training done and dusted.

Saturday morning came around way too quickly and before I knew it, it was time to run the 5km park run with the pod. I was feeling good, on the back of Wednesday's training, and I was determined that my time would improve. My competitive nature once again set in and I took off down the hill, trying to keep up with some of our strongest runners. Running with my best effort and determination, I managed to hold my pace for the first 2.5km. The turn around point separated the pack a little more and I needed to dig a little deeper as we faced the little power hils. Nick was my running buddy and there were times when a walk was what was needed to keep on going. Megs was amazing and turned around to help Nick, then me - encouraging us as we faced another hill and reminding us to pump our arms to help our legs go faster.

Relief and satisfaction set in as I reached the 5km mark....and to my surprise, my average pace was faster than I had done before.

The message of consistent effort, focus, listening and responding to feedback, persevering and resilience that I speak about so often to the girls at school was beginning to make sense in my own personal running challenge. No point talking the talk if I don't walk the walk....so, bring on WEEK 4!

Week 2: One step forward....one step back!

After feeling like a flipping champion last Saturday (it doesn't take much!), things very quickly turned around. By the end of Saturday, things were not right. Fevers, shakes, coughing, dripping nose, teary eyes....MY LURGIE HAD COME BACK WITH AVENGENCE!!!!

Being sick is one thing, but the thing that really took me by surprise was how much I was fixating on NOT BEING ABLE TO TRAIN! You see, after week one's training, i had resolved to give this event, give the training and give the fundraising the very best effort and energy I could. And now, NOTHING!

My health was the worst I could remember, with this flu deciding to dig its claws in and not let go. Days off work (I never do that), sleepless nights, endless coughing and boxes of tissues consumed my world as I headed into what was supposed to be week 2 of training.

"I should be fine by Wednesday night's training session" was the mantra that kept racing through my head. Wednesday morning - still not great - but still trying to convince myself that within 12 hours I will have miraculously healed.

By 4pm, I knew I had to face my reality and make the call that I really was too sick and training was not going to be an option. A text was sent to Coach and the Team Captain. Decision made.

I'm not really sure where my sadness came from, as running isn't really my thing, but I was sad....I felt like it had been one step forward, then one step back! That was until I received a surprise phone call from the Team Captain, making sure I was ok and encouraging me to take my time to get well and strong before returning. She may never know it, but that phone call turned my spirits around and I once again realised the purpose, benefit and encouragement that comes from being part of the CANTOO group - especially the Hills Pod.

Friday rolled around very quickly and although I began to believe that I would be missing yet another training on Saturday morning, I woke up feeling so much better! The coughing was easing (except when I laughed - which is often!) and i had a spring in my step. A quiet night and a relatively early bed time had worked and as the 6.30am alarm rang, I was able to bounce out of bed for training.

Saturday morning was a glorious morning - the sun was shining, the sky so blue. Feeling stronger than I had been all week, I put on my new gear (long leggings and a long sleeve running top for the cooler training conditions), grabbed a banana and headed off for the park.

Smiles all round - greetings and another new face awaited as I parked the car. To my delight, Annie - the founder of CANTOO - had come to insprire us, encourage us and remind us of why we as CANTOO runners can make a difference. Like Annie, I lost my dad at a young age to brain tumours...and Annie's reflection about how she is now older than her dad was when he died resonated in my head. It's still weird to be older than my dad ever was, but if I'm here on this earth, i may as well try and make a difference so that this disease doesn't rob the future generations of thier hope and precious life.

We took off up the hill....and I was determined to just give it my best. After a week of ZERO exercise, it was a bit more of a struggle, but at least I am physically able to get up each morning and be active. A small bit of discomfort as I ran up the hill was nothing compared to the pain and suffering people with cancer go through....so i pushed on.

My time wasn't great - but I made it within the preferred time limit. There were moments of brisk walking, just so I could catch my breath, but on the whole, another run was mastered.

Stride outs, stretches, push ups and planks followed...and before we knew it, those who could gathered for the weekly breakfast catch up at the Coffee Club, wrapping up the end of another great time together.

Now, I look forward to week 3....fitter, stronger and healthier!

Week 1: Well, it has begun!

To be honest, I wasn't sure what I had done! I had deliberated for days, maybe weeks, as to whether or not I would actually commit to this event! But, I had pressed the "SEND" button and now I was sitting in my car nervously awaiting the first training session. There were people running around the track, all looking way too fit for my liking and once again I tried to find more reasons why I should go back home.

The orange beanie, proudly worn by COACH, the orange singlets and the orange bags were clearly visible and I made the brave decision to step out of my warm car and walk towards these orange things on the other side of the oval. Thankfully, the really fit looking runners i had been watching from my car were nothing to do with me....I could rest a little easy as there was no way I was ready to run at thier pace!

The smiles were what I remember - the extended welcome handshake - a funny comment about how cold it was and how mad we must be - all made me feel that bit more at ease. As my fellow pod members arrived, I watched people embrace, catch up and be excited to be doing yet another CAN TOO event together. It was at that time when i realised that I had signed up for more than 'just a run', rather I had signed up to be part of a team who would support and encourage each other as we worked towards the BIG EVENT in 10 short weeks time.

Our guest speaker set the tone, reminding us of the purpose of CAN TOO - and I listened with interest as she shared her stories about the research projects she has spearheaded. Research into ovarian cancer, research into brain cancer, research into lung cancer....people's faces flashing before my eyes as I listened...this had become personal and I wanted to make a difference.

COACH, as we call her, then got us moving with stretches, a warm up jog (which isn't much slower than my run, but oh well!) around the oval....TWICE...and a few beginning exercises. The track had been set and the instructions were simple - run at about 60% for 800m - ummmm....that's twice around the oval!!!! - then pick up your speed for the last 200m to the finish. Then, do that 2 more times. OH MY!

A cool down jog, some more stride intervals and a stretching time took me to the end of training session 1...and I HAD survived!

The few days that followed were interesting, with my glutes feeling pain like I hadn't felt before! But i was excited about what could be and looked forward to our next training session.

Saturday morning quickly rolled around and before I knew it, I was arriving back at the oval in the brisk temperatures after the polar winds had swept through NSW - COACH ready to greet each one of us....it was time for our first distance run!

With chalk arrows pointing the way, we headed off down the road and into the bush track. A gentle 3km run, starting off down hill could only mean one thing - the end would be UP HILL! Wanting to make the most of the support, the encouragement and the expert advice - I gave the run my best and felt good as we arrived back at the starting point.

it was FUN....and to top it off, breakfast, coffee and a few good stories and laughs followed.

My 10 week journey has begun....and I'm actually looking forward to Wednesday rolling around again - once my hips and glutes forget what i did to them today!

I think I can do this....thanks CAN TOO!

I'm training with Can Too for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 9km!

I am training for an event with Can Too, a health promotion organisation that engages and inspires individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals. 
Beginners and experienced athletes alike are given professional coaching as part of a team to run or swim in endurance events- including 10km, half-marathon and marathon runs; as well as ocean swims and triathlons.
In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer. In 2015, Can Too is funding 14 early career researchers through Cure Cancer Australia.

Thank you for supporting me!
‘It’s so much fun and I can’t believe I’m going to achieve this goal that I never thought possible. A great program and team support is making it possible. You Can Too!’

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jules And Johnno

Pump those little legs! Yay tan xxx



Thanks for taking a stand to make a difference in the lives of many people.


Guy And Caroline

Well done Tanya



You've got this. Oxox


D Armstrong

A big effort fro a great cause



Run like the wind Bullseye. Hope to see you wearing the Miss Atlantica ribbon



lots of love, Mum x


Chris Angell

Your mind will quit 1000 times before your body ever will... Feel the fear and do it anyway ???????? SO proud of you Tan for stepping outside your comfort zone because NOW you know what can be achieved if you just believe....



Woo! Such a good cause! Tear it up Aunty Tan -Chris



Love you Tan, it's an amazing thing your doing xoxo


Renee Atkinson

Good luck Tanya , not that you'll need it!!!



Well done Tan and what an amazing writer you are - I feel like I am there - I look forward to the next instalment and loads of money raised to conquer this awful disease that affects us all .





Go girl. Cross that bridge!