Meg Nuttall

Can Too Beyond

route altered

Ok so I am now one day out from my 2000km quest. As a result of Dads condition I have decided to stay in Canberra and base all my pedals from here. 

Training wise I have ridden a little, run a little and taught on average 8 classes a week at Fitness First. 

Will get a good sleep tonight and see how the legs feel tomorrow for my second last indoor Pedal fur two weeks. 

Cancer Ride

I am setting out to ride from Canberra to Melbourne via Sydney in a effort to raise  awareness/importance around early detection/prevention of cancer along with the importance of Cancer Research. My Father has been battling Cancer for close to 8 years now. Fortunately he has been accepted into a number of trial treatment programs, which have been key in prolonging his life. 

His Cancer was identified late in the game as prostate cancer, radiation therapy and surgery was conducted unfortunately both failed to remove all traces of his cancer.  The cancer spread to his bowel, which again resulted in radiation therapy and surgery, which at the time appeared successful. We all (the family) had a few good years, which were shattered when the news of yet again another spread of the cancer. This time the spread was extreme, as it had entered his bones. 

My Father continues to push through chemotherapy rounds, his last was on Christmas Eve 2014. We are now in a good position with improved numbers and from all understanding a period of time where he is able to live without treatments. In 6 months he will head back to review the cancer spread and discuss his next steps. 

I know first hand how important research into new treatment is for cancer patients. I will continue to promote Cancer Research and attempt to raise funds as I am sure without a trial my father was placed on we would not have had the additional years we have had which for me have been amazing. Over this time I have had two children. Both of whom have built an amazing relationship with their “Poppa". When I was pregnant with my first it was touch and go as to whether Dad would be around for birth of my son. A thanks needs to be extended to the Oncology Team in Canberra who have continued to push for treatment opportunities for my Father.

Please donate to this important cause, I know first had the importance in Cancer Research and its ability to not only extended cancer patients life but improve their quality of life. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Larry And Al

Great work Meg. We are very proud of you.


Al Johnson

in memory of Geoff Simpson - awesome effort Meg, you are amazing


Ged Stenhouse

You are doing a wonderful thing Meg - very inspiring!


Malcolm O'leary

Love your work Meg!


Kate & Josh Royal

Crazy but why doesn't it surprise me! You'll be dangerous when you've finished! Well done xx


Lucy Capezio

Keep it up Meg, well done!!!!


Richard Everett

Great cause and and amazing effort.


Warren And Gillespie

amazing strength both personally and on that bike


Kirst Ammann

so so very proud of you my beautiful cuz. Love you so much xx


Stephen Byron



I don't know you personally, only through attending your RMP classes, but I find your drive, commitment, effort and sheer perseverance touching and truly inspirational. Wishing you and your dad all the best.m


Karen Byron

Meg - you are one crazy, inspirational chick. Your Dad must be so proud of you. Take care and stay safe. Kaz x


Michael Phelps

Great cause , great effort, great girl !


Shez And Blair

Well done Meg, you are doing such a great job! Hope your body is holding up ok. We're proud of you and your commitment to fundraising for cancer research. Xx



You go girl! Inspirational.



F**k I love you! You're amazing and an inspiration. I am so proud of you and your amazing achievements xxx love to you and all the family xxx



We're all proud of you - well done Meg!!


Julie Pham

Keep your head up, shoulders down, elbows in, push/scrape/pull - isn't that what you tell us in PRM/Pro?! You are an inspiration for fitness and joie de vivre. Go Meg - you have almost made it and CAN do it!!


Sam &wendy Agostino

Great effort Meg, Awesome..


O'higgins Family

Well Done Meg, from your favourite other kids, Josh and Sienna xx and Pete and Christie too


Beau & Heids

We're super proud of you. Every push of the pedal makes a huge difference! It's amazing what you have achieved so far.


Katherine Ramage

Meg your an inspiration to so many keep doing what your doing. Your a superstar!!!!


Kiz De Athridge

your amazing babe xoxox so inspiring keep pedaling



What you're doing is a great thing - something positive and constructive in an otherwise painfully helpless time… Good luck!



Day 3. Hope the Easter Bunny finds you out there. Xoxo


Jen Hurst

You are a champion Meggy..we are all behind you.





You rock Meg! If anyone can do it, it will be YOU! x



Give it your best Meg :) Inspirational as always!!


Trish Zuccato

Know that success is your only option!!! Better sore than sorry, right!


Gillian Coles

Well done Meg on an incredible ride!


Brent Cubis

Great work Meg as always and thanks for choosing Can Too for your cancer research charity, I hope your dad's next results are encouraging.


Ian Robinson

Just want to wish you all the best on your 2000km journey,its such an insidious disease,stay strong :-)



Awesome work meg - love from the Jackson clan.



Good luck Meg..such a great are such an inspiration


Emma Corvisy

I've always said you were mad but this just proves it! What a wonderful thing you are doing Meg. If only there were more people like you in this world!


Tom & Mishelle Pucci

you are an inspiration we are blessed to have you xxoo



Great work Meg...we have to beat this terrible disease and getting money for research and cures is the way to go.... Ma (Annette)


Sally Colquhoun

Meg, as always you're an inspiration! Keep it up, harden up, you've got this. We believe in you. Xx


Kathy Squire

Wishing you nothing but every success no matter how hard things may get or how tired you may feel. Just remember how many people out there are inspired by your strength and your passion to continually help others and make a difference. XXXX



Meg, you're such a machine! Keep smashing it!


Cate Love

I read a quote that reminds me of you and what you are doing: 'I said, somebody should do something about that... Then I realised - I am somebody'. love and energy Meg xxx ps. I hope the NZ exchange rate is decent


Zoe And Al

Go Meg! Awesome work, you can do it!


Lynelle & Warwick Potter

Good luck Meg, wonderful effort. Live to Ray and your mum


Fallen Potgieter

Meg, been thinking of you with your dad being so sick - been there with my brother who died 9 years ago. I know how hard it is, stay strong, you are doing a remarkable thing. Always such an inspiration ?? xxx Daleen



Congrats Meg what a massive achievement


Steph Nelson

My biggest inspiration, love your guts Meg x


Adam & Courtney

Amazing Meg!



Hey Meg...keep going mate your almost there....such a strong woman fighting for a a cause close to a lot of people's hearts. Thankyou! Take care out there on the bike x :)



Amazing work meg, congrats!!!!!!


Rowena Gregson



Best of luck on your final day pedalling. A true inspiration!


Lisa Hansen

You are doing such an amazing job through some really tough times. Really proud of your efforts. I can only imagine how proud your beautiful dad must be. xx


Mitch Lefebvre

Awesome work you inspire me.


Mitch Lefebvre

I love your work. :D sorry to hear about your family member passing


Caroline Freney

Amazingly generous spirit meg! Loving your updates and positivity x


Rachel Mcmenamin

Always an inspiration!



Go Meg! What an inspiration! It is because of people like you that research can continue!



It's amazing that you're doing this! Keep swimming! Or in this case riding haha ????????



Go Meg!! what an awesome effort for such a worthy cause :)


Ange & Sam

Hang in there baby!


Haidee Leung

Great effort for a great cause, Meg! Good luck.


John Maxwell

Good luck, Meg. Best wishes to you and your dad.


Matt Potter

Ride hard and strong!! Inspirational for the greatest cause...


Michele Bloffwitch

awesome work Meg !



You're an inspiration Meg


Jenny Hinchcliffe

What you are doing is amazing Meg good luck xx


Sammy And Mark, Come Alive Cootamundra

Awesome effort Meg !!!!! xxxxx Thoughts will be with you xxxx


Giulia Savery

Meg, you champion, well done! You are an inspiration. x



Meg you're an absolutely beautiful soul and if only the world was made up with people with the same determination and compassion as you xx keep it up and all the best



Great going Meg. Your strength and courage are inspiring.





Amazing effort!


Katie Shields

Your amazing!


Julia Watson

Meg you're a champ! Well done!!xx



So proud of your achievement Meg. You continue to inspire us to keep moving!


Wazz & Peta

Your day 6 message inspired us to finally get off our collectives and sponsor you. Peta and I are big fans of your work! You are an inspiration to everyone!!!!


Accomplice Accessories

blade hands blade hands blade hands




Adrian T

Good luck Meg!



Good luck meg! Wishing you the best :)