Margie Sneddon

Can Too Beyond

I'm doing an Ironman and fundraising for cancer research with Can Too

I am currently just under 4 weeks out from the biggest race of my life, Ironman Western Australia, to be held in Busselton on 6 December 2015. Not far away. As many of you who know me will know, I have been a Can Too participant and supporter for many years. Can Too has given me so much. For those of you who know of Can Too, no need for me to convince you how fantastic it is. For those of you who don't know of Can Too, I can safely say I would not be lining up for an Ironman without having had the privilege of doing a few programs and of knowing and being inspired by the exceptional and lovely Annie Crawford, the Founder of Can Too.

Can Too inspires individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals. Can Too also raises much needed funds for cancer research. In the few years I have been involved with Can Too the money raised has helped a few young cancer researchers come up with significant breakthroughs in cancer research and how cancer is treated. Amazing and inspring stuff.

Ironman is a massive challenge. The race is a 3.8k swim, a 180k bike ride and then a 42k run. Training has been tough but amazing and I have surprised myself at how much the old bag of bones can can do. I have had the support of so many beautiful and inspiring people along the way, many of whom I have met through Can Too. I met my Ironman coach through Can Too and I could not be luckier to have him in my corner. My support crew in Busselton I met through Can Too and I feel I'm the luckiest person in the world to have met them and to be supported by them.

But, and it probably goes without saying, but an Ironman challenge is small fry compared to the challenge of finding cures for cancer. I really want to give something back to Can Too so I would appreciate it if you could help me do that and sponsor me for my Ironman race, with all the funds going to cancer research.

As a thank you, and it's your option to take up, I can send you a photo of my toes AFTER Ironman has been run and won. They're pretty ugly now so can't imagine they'll be much prettier after but you never know.



Thank you to my Sponsors



I think you're amazing.



You are awesome! My inspiration and someone who has supported so many. Tomorrow is your day. Smash it! Xx


Nicky Green

What an incredible endeavour and great cause! Good luck......


Annie Crawford

Margie - I admire you so so much. I will be thinking of you all day on Dec 6th.



Go Margie????.


Kylie Mike

Go Speedy. You're amazing !!!!


Mary Knight

I wish I could be there to support the best team captain ever but instead I will be cheering you loud and clear from Sydney (you may even hear me!) Go Margie,you got this!


Amy Brown

“She believed she could, so she did.”



Good luck Margie, seriously impressive distances! Loved my Can Too experience and wish they were up here in HK!


Stu Cosgriff


Mark N

So sad I won't be there to share the experience with you - but I know you will smash it.



Good luck Margaret! Can't wait to finally share a chocolate with you!


Gareth Sage


John Sneddon


Jules And Dean Degan

Go get 'em, Muscles! Enjoy the experience and the amazing euphoria at the finish line. Cheering you on with all our strength from Mac Point xoxoxo



Go Super-Margie! I am impressed by you as always!



Fabulous Margie


Cranky Old Stick In The Mud Colleague With All The Pot Plants

I guess the theatrical admonition to "break a leg" isn't appropriate ! ;-)


Kat Mallik

Good luck Margaret!


Jane Macleod

I am so proud of you! xx


Mike B

Veni, vidi, vici!


Claire Perky Pam Robertson

You nutter. Love ya guts. You're awesome. You-are-an-Ironman


The Fonginator

You have worked so hard for this and I just know you're going to smash it. We are all behind you and so proud of how far you have come. GO MUSCLES!


Luisa Sirianni

Great work Iron Woman!!



Super impressive effort Margaret!!


Margie Sneddon


Encarnita Iamandi



Absolutely amazing! Good luck!



Good luck!


John Sneddon

