Jules Mackin

Can Too Beyond

Everyone has a reason why .....

This month there was a small article about my fundraising for Ironman in the Port Macquarie Focus Magazine. "Shut up" about your fundraising and training I hear you say!! Well I can't ....this cause is so close to my heart that I even shed a tear typing this out.

You see in 2008 I signed up with Cantoo to do my first ever half marathon, the reason I did this was to honour my mother who had suffered with stomach cancer at the age of 28 years. This had a dramatic negative affect on our family and I recall much sadness, stress and despair. Luckily she survived after a lot of care and treatment but after such a trauma the body & mind simply doesn't recover 100%.

In a twist of events only 2 weeks after running my first half marathon with Cantoo and having raised over $1250, I was diagnosed with my own type of cancer - which was completely unrelated to my mum's condition.

To say I was blown over was an understatement. It stirred up all those dreadful memories of despair and blackness which I had suffered as a child and here I was with my own diagnosis.

Determined not to let this beat me, I told friends to stay positive, make me laugh and stick together - that was all I wanted " a positive vibe" I was so lucky as my friends responded exactly how I wanted them too! They were so supportive, positive and giving - it was amazing! They turned up to the hospital with flowers, books, chocolates, gifts but most of all they brought their positive thoughts and energy, some of my friends who didnt know each other formed friendships over my bed!!! It was around this time that I realised that Australia was going to be my home, I had found a great place in the world where I belonged.

I am not saying it is easy to cope with cancer or that everyone has the same condition or set of circumstances but from my experience ...love and friendship will help you through the dreadful times and make you stronger. I am now 40 years old, (old yes I know!) coming up to 8 years in remission and embarking on my 5th Ironman event! I love the lifestyle triathlon provides its healthy, happy and good for your confidence!

Please please support this cause and donate today!!! every single cent counts and will help to change lifes.....step by step!

LINK below for Focus Mag - top of page 14 - enjoy


The ride to Comboyne!

Why Cantoo Fundraising and why Port Mac Ironman 2016!?!

Despite enjoying a facebook post here and there I am not much of a blogger so please bear with me! So why another Ironman and why am I supporting Cantoo & Cancer Research??

Over the winter months I was struggling with motivation as I was carrying a running injury. I do believe it is important to have a break however it is also a challenge to return to fitness when your body is not fully repaired and your mojo has dissappeared! I spent winter doing lots of other activities and contemplated giving up on this Ironman malarkey!

A few weeks/ months after my fall I started cycling a bit and kept up the visits to the pool and then I started to do a few runs, my body was getting better and my injury was improving, the desire for triathlon was returning, but I wanted to do something different this time, perhaps it was an ironman in a different location (after all they have all been in Port )- was it time for a change of venue?! or should I do a 70.3 that way I don't have to do so many long rides and runs! The decision I made was to go for the Port Ironman again! This will be my 5th in Port and most likely my last ever Ironman event. Ironman is your choice but it most definately takes its toll on you mentally and physically.

I am really looking forward to being out there amongst the wonderful and supportive Port Mac community and being out there with friends and fellow competitors. Next year Port will have the 70.3 on the same day as Ironman which makes for a super exciting and busy day!

There are so many reasons that I am raising funds through Cantoo for Cancer Research, of course I am a Cancer survivor so the cause is very close to my heart but there's so much to Cantoo.

It provides free professional coaching, training and support to it's participants and in return participants raise money for Cure Cancer - all of the money (100%) goes to the cancer researchers! You can train for your first 10k run, half marathon or marathon or even an ocean swim. Cantoo is also open to those who wish to come back and do another program to improve a marathon time or perhaps select a longer ocean swim! It is a winning formula people get to realise their fitness dreams whilst raising much needed funds for cancer research :-)

Since being in remission I have been heavily involved in Cantoo over the years and have been a participant, run mentor, run coach and motivational speaker :-)

I fully support this cause so please hop on board and make a donation today! :-)

Help change lifes - 100% of the funds go to Cancer research :-)

Jules -)

I'm training and fundraising for cancer research with Can Too

I am training for an event with Can Too, a health promotion organisation that engages and inspires individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals.

Beginners and experienced athletes alike are given professional coaching as part of a team to run, ride or swim in endurance events- including 10km, half-marathon and marathon runs, ocean swims and triathlons.

In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer through Cure Cancer Australia and Cancer Council NSW.

Thank you for supporting me!

‘It’s so much fun and I can’t believe I’m going to achieve this goal that I never thought possible. A great program and team support is making it possible. You Can Too!’

Thank you to my Sponsors


Iain Mcgregor

Almost as Awesome as Star Wars


John And Ashlie

Get amongst it mate! We'll be there on the sidelines cheering!


Shannon, Carlton And Ethan

Go Jules - best of luck with training and fund raising, you are an inspiration to us all!


Annie Crawford

You are an inspiration to us all and live the Can Too values. Thank you for supporting Can Too


Kate Myles


Lee Lee & Mike

Jules my friend - I can see so vividly in my mind you flying down the finish shoot waving your flag on your first IM!! You smashed it - I was so in awe & you've only gone from strength to strength since not only in IM but all areas of your life. I really admire all the big changes you have made & continue to make - can be scary but always exciting too. That's what's life it about right - got to take it by the horns & show it who's boss!! Wish you all the best for fundraising - we love Cantoo - we so need our researchers to keep fighting the good fight to keep fabulous people like you in our lives! You look smoking hot & fit right now - so hope I will be there to see you nail another race - show Port what you've got! xoxox



Your blog just reminds me of everything you have been through and how inspiring you are to others. So proud of you Julie! Can't believe you're doing another one though!! Xx


Arella Domabyl


Michael Ebbs

On Ya Jules.


Greg And Tracey

Well done, great cause and good luck in the race.


Jon Binskin



Marg Lawn

Cheering for you Jules. All the best for a great race. x


Aunty Em

Way to go Jules! You were one of my first inspirations coming into can too. You made me believe that I could maybe too! Xx


Nic Champion

You are amazing Jules - so inspiring!! Can't wait to cheer you on out there on the track!!!



You make me smile. Beautiful, noble and strong.


Jay & Maddison Wren

You are an incredible athlete Jules… Ash would be so proud of you & so are we…. We are right behind you 100% YOU GO GIRL!!!


David Wiles

Jules your Can too attitude and positiveness is so apparent, I have huge respect for what you are doing both the ironman and the fundraising. I wish you all the best to keep training consistently, maintain focus and enjoy it. Then have a blast at Port when you get to demonstrate all your hard work. Love your work



Go Team Jules!! All the best, love Nat xx


Sam Albert

Best of luck Jules!


Jim & Robyn, Port Macquarie

Go Girl


Liz Moore



Good on you Jules, you have incredible drive and determination and will achieve your target for sure. xo


Claire Arkley

Go Jules x


Nikki Morley

Hey Jules. Wishing you all the best with your training & look forward to cheering you on at Port. X


Malcolm Downing



You continue to inspire! Very happy to donate to an extremely important cause, all the best with training and the big event!


Paul Spenceley

Wow, 5th Ironman, awesome Jules!! Good luck competing for a really good cause.



Go hard Jules - I know you will smash it on the day. Well done on raising funds for this great cause xxx


Ros Trotter

Good luck Jules.


Kate Pensini


Clare Evans

You're an inspiration Jules, keep it up! :D


Kim Maurer

Good Luck Jules!!