Recovery Nutrition
Do you pay attention to your 'recovery meal'?
This is the meal straight after training - and should be eaten with 45mins after the session. If your session is a tough one - and greater than 60mins, it is vital that you get this meal right in order to get the most from your training and progress with your goals.
So, what should you be eating?
Your recovery meal needs to contain carbohydrates and protein. The carbs refuel the glycogen and blunts cortisol production (both are vital for weight control) and the protein helps repair the muscles and supports the immune system.
How much should you be eating post training?
The amount that you need to consume for this meal depends on your body weight, the amount of training you are doing, and your personal goals. As a rough guide, you should be looking for around 1 gram of carbs per kilo of body weight, and around 1/3rd of your body weight in protein. So example an athlete that weighs 60 kilos, would have 60grams of carbs and 20
For example, an athlete that weighs 60 kilos, would have 60grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein for this recovery meal.
If your session has been an extended session - like a very long run - the need for carbohydrates increases, you might need 1.5-2grams of carbs per kilo of body weight. Choose good quality nutrient dense carbohydrates like fruit, starchy veg, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and good quality protein such as eggs, fish, lean meat and dairy. This will ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to have you in the best health possible on race day.
Didn't see my first nutrition tip? You can check it out here.