To our Can Too Community,
You may have noticed the recent significant media attention focussed on the benefits of exercise and cancer prevention. From an insightful ABC Catalyst episode through to the coverage in Men’s Health quoting findings published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the overwhelming evidence is that exercise significantly reduces cancer risk and can improve outcomes during and after treatment.
The Can Too community has been training for running, swimming and triathlon events since 2005. It is so exciting to see the mounting scientific evidence around the benefits of every run, ride or swim we do!!! Not only are we funding incredible researchers across all Cancer Types but now over 12,0000 people have done a Can Too program and improved their own physical health and cancer risk.
We continue to focus on the win win that is Can Too; supporting participants in their training and event goals and at the same time supporting cancer researchers in their goal to change the outcomes for cancer patients in Australia. We know now more than ever that our own lifestyle choices can help reduce our own risks too. The difference we make really does start with us with our fitness and fundraising goals!!!
New Programs
June has seen a few amazing milestones in the Can Too calendar. Our first-ever Sydney Trail Run Program has started after a success in Brisbane earlier this year! We also have our first ever overseas destination event: the TCS New York Marathon. With two Sydney pods and a customised Melbourne program that people can continue with, post-Melbourne Marathon, we look forward to turning just a little bit of New York orange in November!
Funding Support
The Can Too Centurion and Partner Program helps support the investment in training programs and health promotion. Can Too relies solely on community support from individuals and companies and we are incredibly grateful to Principal Supporter, Macquarie Group Foundation, our Centurions, and partners Brooks and Finz. If you or your organisation is looking to invest in health, wellbeing and cancer prevention we would love to share more with you. Every $1 invested in Can Too has been measured to deliver a social impact of $3.58.
Wishing you every success in your healthy pursuits in the winter months and hope to see you on the track, on a run or at an event soon!
Thank you for making a difference,
Susannah Miall
CEO — Can Too Foundation