Friday is the first day of Spring!
What a great time to be looking forward, focussing on the opportunities ahead, and revisiting some of the goals you’ve set for yourself this year.
As the weather warms up it’s also often trigger for the year to get busier and we can start to feel more overwhelmed. It’s a good reminder from Dr Helen Brown of Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, that physical activity has significant mental health benefits.
"To use physical activity as a way to help manage anxiety, you don't have to overhaul your whole lifestyle to feel the effects," says Dr Brown. "It could be as simple as taking a walk each day at lunchtime, or walking the dog after work. Moderate and regular activity is key."
Imagine having a Can Too pod in your workplace! Can Too launched our workplace health and wellbeing program last year and we’ve had overwhelming success with companies like Astra Zeneca, CBA and IAG. We’re booking corporate programs for 2018 and we’d love your help making contact with your workplace HR to discuss how Can Too can bring people together and improve team outcomes in your workplace. Please email me, I'd love to talk to you!
Launching New Programs!
I’m very excited to announce further expansion in our offerings to keep you, our community ambassadors, as excited in your tenth program fundraising with Can Too as you were in your first program! Keeping our dynamic community vibrant is so important to our sustainability, and finding new ways to keep you fit and healthy and fundraising for cancer research is always top of mind.
Last year we trained 72 people for New York Marathon, and next year we're aiming to train even more for Berlin Marathon 2018.
Can Too Trail Run & Trek
We’re training for the SEQ Trail Running Series in Brisbane starting next month! Last year’s trail run in Brisbane was super-successful and we’re excited that our repeat trail runners and our newbies can train together for a totally new event.
Registrations are today open for Jabulani Challenge 2018, an entry-level trail run training program starting in January. It’s an accessible 11km goal event to allow our Can Too trail running community in Sydney to continue growing.
After the amazing community support for this year’s Heather Hawkins Everest Can Too Challenge, we’ve decided to offer another group walking challenge in 2018 – the incredible Can Too Larapinta Challenge in the Northern Territory.
Melbourne, we're also busily working on some exciting news that we can share with you soon!!!
Sydney Ocean Swim Launch
Sydney Ocean Swim has had an amazing start to the season! If you’re joining us don’t delay, these pools are filling fast:
- Sans Souci Leisure Centre – 75% full
- Warringah Aquatic Centre – 60% full
- Monte College (Mon PM) – 55% full
- Monte College (Wed PM) – 35% full
We're giving away one free program - all you have to do is share your swimming story here.
Changes to Sydney Triathlon
After running triathlons for five seasons in Sydney, we’ve decided to only offer the sprint triathlon program from 2018 onward. Focussing on the entry level triathlon space is where we feel we’re most effectively able to deliver on vision and mission and have the greatest impact on health promotion.
We understand there are some in our community who would’ve been expecting to train for the Olympic (Standard) Triathlon distance this season, but as a charity with a big heart and a small team we hope everyone in the community appreciates that we’re doing everything we can to stay relevant, sustainable, and offer great training experiences to as many people as possible each year.
As you advance in your triathlon training, there’s still an opportunity for you to continue supporting cancer research through Can Too Beyond.
Thank You Again To Our Community
Can Too is only “Can Too” because of the community you, our greatest ambassadors, have created! Even if you are not currently training we would love to welcome you to wear your Can Too shirt and swimmers at every event you enter in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and beyond!!! We know you will get an extra "Go Can Too!"
We’d love to see as many Can Tooers as possible at the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, as a runner, supporter or volunteer.
Lastly, since 2005 there has been 147 cancer research projects made possible with the support of our generous donors and the tireless work of our fundraisers, determined to make a difference to cancer research. Imagine reaching 160+ cancer research projects in 2018!!!
Yours in fun, fitness, friends, and fundraising,
Susannah Miall
Chief Executive Officer, Can Too Foundation