On your first night of training you'll be given a Can Too running top to wear at Can Too sessions. The rest of your gear is up to your personal style. To help you get run ready, we've put together a list of running essentials.
Running Shoes
There are many types of running shoes on the market but when it comes to running you want to be wearing shoes that have been designed to run in.
The average pair of runners are only built to sustain approx. 482km of use — so if your runners are over a year old, chances are you’ll need a new pair!
When purchasing a new pair of runners go to a reputable shoe store where they’ll put you on a treadmill to identify your unique foots needs.
Running Clothes
Make sure your running clothes are light weight and made from a technical fabric with a good wick absorbancy — don’t wear cotton.
You will be given your Can Too running top on your first night of training.
There are so many types of running pants — whether you like shorts, fitted leggings or even a running skirt the colour, shape and style is completely up to you — go wild!
Jumper or Jacket
You may get cold before and after your run, so having a jumper or light weight jacket on standby is always recommended.
Not all socks are equal and when you’re running it’s important to get a pair of socks that are made from a technical fabric, are form fitting and most importantly aren’t made of cotton — cotton socks cause blisters! $30 for a good pair of running socks may seem extravagant, but your non-blistered feet will thank you for it.
Get Professionally Coached Today!
Can Too trains all levels, from beginners to more experienced athletes, in structured training programs tailored to specific physical challenges such as running races, ocean swims, trail walking, destination events and adventure challenges and you can even choose your own event as a Can Too Beyond program.
The health promotion charity is fighting cancer on two fronts - reducing cancer by getting people moving through goal-specific fitness programs and improving patient outcomes through funding lifesaving Australian cancer research projects.
At Can Too, we believe everyone can achieve goals they once thought impossible. We believe life is what you make of it, that anything is possible, and if you’re willing to take that first step, you CAN TOO!
Programs range from entry level distances such as 10km run programs, trail walking and running and 1km ocean swims, to 5km swim programs and half marathons, through to advanced programs such as marathons and 10km swims.
What's your next Can Too challenge? Check out our training calendar of Can Too programs to secure your place today!