Can Too’s Learn to Ocean Swim program is going swimmingly with over 380 swimmers taking part. The program is expected to raise around $350,000, which will fund at least three cancer researchers.
Can Too is proudly committed to funding 11 cancer researchers this year and a further eight next year.
There have been lots of happy faces returning to the beaches and the pools since last season’s swim program was suspended prematurely due to the corona virus pandemic.
We’ve also introduced a new pool location in Hornsby and a return to the Campbelltown Pod, which started for the first-time last year. See a video here about why the Pod Founder, Craig Dwyer was inspired to bring Can Too to his local area.
Can Too Community Spirit Award Winner and swim program Champion Kieran Gallagher (pictured below) was thrilled to dive back under the waves with Can Too. He loves helping Can Tooer’s discover their love of ocean swimming, which he’s done for a decade.
“Every year I return because I want to meet that one person where conquering an ocean swim changes their entire world forever, such as Grant Campbell who went from thinking ‘I can’t do it’ to swimming the English Channel in a team relay,” said Kieran.
First time Can Tooer Debra Roberts has jumped in the deep end this season. She joined the 1km swim program even though she has a fear of ocean swimming and was in tears at the first beach session.
Debra shared that she loves the people in Can Too, who have inspired her to go back and persevere and to not let them down.
“There’s something about the people at Can Too. They’re gorgeous, I love them. There’s a feeling of immediate warmth and encouragement especially from Team Captain Angie Stevenson and Chair of the Board Anne Massey,” said Debra.
“Anne ran up to me and said I’m so glad that you came back. Anne can relate as she has a fear of the ocean as well.
“So far I’ve swam the furthest I ever have in the pool and the ocean, so I’ll keep persisting and will be there on Saturday.
“I joined Can Too as it’s a win win to do something for charity and to learn to ocean swim, which I’ve been talking about doing for years.”

Can Too Coach Paul Myatt shared that the newbies including Debra were awesome at their first beach session.
“Today was awesome team! Every one of you were amazing. And, even though a few tears and scaredy pants nervousness you made it!” said Paul.
“Not only are these lovely people challenging themselves to compete in an ocean swim, they are also raising money for early career cancer researchers. To date Can Too has raised over $23 million with several major break throughs that have resulted in successful treatments for cancer.
“I am so honoured and lucky to be a coach at Can Too and I hope that I can make a difference in all of my participants lives. Together we can all make a difference in the life of someone that you might know that is suffering from cancer.”
If you'd like to dive in to learn to ocean swim and help beat cancer it’s your last chance. Registrations close on Monday. You can register here or find out more: https://www.cantoo.org.au/swim