Barefoot Bowls afternoons are a fun way to raise money with your friends. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon with friends and family or even competing with your work colleagues over a few drinks!
How does the event work?
- Players form teams that compete against each other;
- Some bowls clubs may require the organiser to become a member, such as Waverton Bowling Club which charges $10 per the calendar year;
- Ask participants to make a donation in order to participate in the event.
How long should the event go for?
2 to 3 hours. Too long, people tend to get restless or bored. Any less, they may feel they haven’t had value for money. A Sunday afternoon between 3 and 6 pm works well.
How much should I charge for the event?
Your aim is to have none or as little outlay as possible then full proceeds go to Can Too. It is common to ask $25 per person. Consider your venue costs – e.g. Waverton Bowling Club charges between $10 and $12 per person to bowl and they can fit 56 people on a green. You cannot BYO BBQ or alcohol.
- People are more likely to show up when they have pre-paid and you will have a better idea of final numbers prior to the event
- They are also more likely to buy raffle tickets and make extra donations
- Offer an incentive for pre-payment such as a discount, e.g. pay $20 before the night or $25 on the door. You could also discount if people organize a table of 8 or 10 and pre-pay in bulk.
Consider having a raffle or auction on the day so you can maximize your money-making!
- When people have pre-paid they are more likely to buy raffle tickets (they don’t feel as if they are paying out more money)
- Offer 3 tickets for $5 or 7 for $10 - This ensures maximum uptake of raffle tickets and makes people feel as if they are getting a lot for their money.
- Remember people are attending to support you and Can Too. The prizes don’t have to be high-value Prizes – You can award prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, wooden spoon! (Prizes can be as little as a bag of mixed mini chocolates – people just love to win something)
How to get started
6 weeks before:
- Book the place and date
- Start emailing friends and family to save the date
- Make an event on facebook to invite all your friends
- Make an event on Can Too Facebook page inviting everyone
2 weeks before:
- Email or FB again, saying “Hurry only a few places left” giving it some urgency to encourage people to sign up
- Remind friends of the incentive to pre-pay
- Ask a couple of friends to help you on the day
- Speak to local butcher/liquor shop to ask for prize donation
1 week before:
- Email / FB with “Last chance to pre-pay” with the cut-off date! Update on prize on offer
- Reconfirm with bowls club
- If you are holding a raffle, you will need a raffle book
- Pick up Can Too banner/ brochures from Can Too office
- Pick up donated prize/s
- Have a float for the raffle and “at the door” payments
Thank everyone for attending telling them how much you raised!!