Concert raises $800 for Can Too.

I'm so excited that our little classical music concert in Mosman raised $800 for Can Too. Thank you to all the wonderful performers I got to work with: Linda Peach, Natalie Goonaratne, Selwyn Lemos, Paul Gasper, Jo Allan and Ken Healey. I hope to run another concert just like this one in the not too distant future. Here's a photo from the show:
Learning Music will help Cancer Research
I am lucky enough to be a coach for CanToo in both running and swimming. Since I started working for CanToo I have been wowed by the organisation. This organisation has already raised over $15 million for cancer research since 2005. I am passionate about helping CanToo athletes achieve their goals. I am so luck in my life that I am able to work in all my areas of passion. My other passion is teaching music and I have done that since 1985! Yes a long time!
Research is now demonstrating that children who learn music do better at school. Not only that, learning help wire the brain more effectively and helps people to think outside the square. This is an important ability for cancer researchers.
Cancer researchers are smart people! There's no research to show that those researchers played more music than any other group whilst growing up, however anecdotal evidence shows that many smart people have learned music as a child. So I reckon that by teaching children music, I'm doing my little bit to help those kids achieve better at school and maybe, just maybe, one or two of them will become incredible scientists and do amazing things in cancer research.
Hence my page is how learning music will help Cancer Research. In the meantime, would you help me raise much needed funds to assist researchers now. Alternatively come along and get fit and healthy by joinging CanToo and raise money for the cause and have an amazing time - with great coaches and wonderful people!
I am training for an event with Can Too, a health promotion organisation that engages and inspires individuals and the community to achieve personal health, wellbeing and altruistic goals.
Beginners and experienced athletes alike are given professional coaching as part of a team to run or swim in endurance events- including 10km, half-marathon and marathon runs; as well as ocean swims and triathlons.
In return, I am raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care and control of cancer. In 2015, Can Too is funding 14 early career researchers through Cure Cancer Australia.
Thank you for supporting me!
‘It’s so much fun and I can’t believe I’m going to achieve this goal that I never thought possible. A great program and team support is making it possible. You Can Too!’
Thank you to my Sponsors

Forte School Of Music / Paul Myatt

Gcar Mara Can Too 2015

Singers Doing Their Stuff Concert

Sydney Swimmers (
Proud to be supporting Can Too's wonderful program.

Sydney Swimmers

Annie Crawford
Love your work Paul

Annie Crawford
Thanks Paul for your continued and amazing support of Can Too

Heather Smith
I love the work that you are doing, Paul!

Forte School Of Music Dee Why

Patricia Russell
Honoured to donate to your fabulous work Paul. Until we meet again in Ireland, stay safe x

Long Family

Patricia Russell ??
Is there ANYTHING you can’t do? 😊 Delighted to help your cause. Hope all is good for you.x



Elizabeth Moor

Gloria Nicol
Great work, coach!
So delighted to be able to support Cantoo through coaching.